I'd just simply like to say to anyone who's still in and trying to break free, that there is hope that others (family still in) may see sense and not disown you entirely, sometimes things can seem more frightening than they really are and we can't see that untill we've tried it. once the hard part is over you just have to 'stick to your guns' it is extremely hard especially if you're alone in leaving but it does get easier over time. i'm fully aware of families totaly disowning you and this is the hardest part but the freeness of mind and feeling of liberation, along with hopefully better mental health, for yourself and children (if you have any) i'd say personally is well worth not staying in a miserable organisation like this.
Just a little note for people still in.....
by billie jean 3 Replies latest jw friends
Billy Jean, Thank you
I will get out soon.
Thank you for that encouragement. My wife and immediately family still are "in". I'm a witness still by name only, I still go to meetings and pretend to ring doorbells.
I've tried speaking to them about my feelings towards the organization, and that this doesn't change my belief in God. But they are pretty firm "in the truth" and it has fallen on deaf ears. It's just so hard to actually leave them all behind, and losing them is what is keeping me captive.
But your words are very touching and speak directly to my soul. Thank you!
If you are thinking of fading,then my story may encourage you.
I stopped F.S in spring 2007, and stopped Meeting attendance in spring 2008.
My family,i.e sisters, Mum, Nephew,niece and their children are still in, they all still talk to me,as do members of the Congo I walked away from, they just don't mention religion. Suits me, thus far.
I had the two Elder visit, and the "Loyalty" question, but following advice on here they couldn't hang anything on me.
I now have a good situation, if I let it continue, but I am getting pissed off with the Dubs attitude that they have the "truth" and I have left the "truth"
I am soon going to get more vocal and pro-active in my opposition to the Cult,but at least that is now MY choice.
So ,DA if you like, or fade if you like, just get away from their power over you, they only have it if you let them.