The Watchtower organization can only "pull the wool" over the eyes of the Witnesses for so long. Many Witnesses are now leaving the org. because of the double standards that are so profoundly noticeable in their "spiritual paradise". The recent news concerning Michael Jackson is opening lots of eyes and getting the Witnesses to think. Michael Jackson disassociated himself back in the 1980s, but yet his mother and other Witnesses seemed to have no problem associating with him. Rock star Prince, the Williams sisters and other famous people have no problem telling the public about their connections with the Jehovah's Witnesses. How can it be that the organization, known as "mother" treats all of her children differently. "Mother" has always encouraged her children not to participate in worldly pursuits, such as being a rock star or a professional athlete. Why the double standards? Our guest on the conference call this Saturday, August 29 at 7p.m.EST will be author of the book "Kingdom Hall no more" Daniel Chamberlayne. Daniel had all of the talent and ability to become a prominent rap music artist but wait till you hear his story on how he was discouraged by his Witness mother and the elders from persuing such a worldly career. Join us on the call. Just dial (712)432-8710 and when asked for pin use 9925. There is no charge for the call, just your normal calling rates apply. So dial in early and talk with all of those who have been "touched by the tentacle"of the Watchtower.
Double standards, many Witnesses are beginning to see it, conference call Saturday Aug. 29,2009
by koolaid-man 8 Replies latest jw friends
I hope this double standard does get to those who are hounded not to have double standards themselves. Living a "double life" is a common gripe at the Grand Boasting Sessions, and they have so many talks about Jehovah hating a double set of weights (it's right in the Bible). And then they go and excuse Michael Jackson, even though he is disassociated, to associate with his family (a regular family would have had Brother Hounder dissolve this relationship, even among the family, if one was disassociated).
Now, about Prince--it is true that he was already very famous when he became a witless. However, from what I know, Prince has plenty of music already written up, and plenty of money, so he needed not produce any more music. So far, I have seen at least two, and probably three (and maybe even more) new albums that Prince did since becoming a witless. Yet, Brother Hounder has not said a word about it. On top of that, Prince has gone on tour to promote those new albums (though he owns his own record label), taking time that is for field circus (going on tour is very time consuming, often preventing the person from going to the boasting sessions for months at a time). Not a word is said--yet, if a regular family so much as goes out on a camping outing for the weekend and does not seek out the Kingdumb Hell, Brother Hounder is going to say something about it.
I hope this p***es off enough people that have gone on a simple camping trip after 49 consecutive weekends of field circus and got hounded by Brother Hounder, or that are seeking a minor fame position (such as writing a book or a minor league sports or acting position) and are hounded out of it. Seems that, if you have millions to put into the Worldwide Pedophile Defense Fund, you can get away with anything--or if you are going to be the one to allow them to plunge the whole world into the Second Dark Ages. If you are of only normal value to them, you will be hounded for the slightest "infraction". And Jehovah hates two sets of weights, like they claim?
Good point WTWizard. Proverbs 20:10 "Two sorts of weights and two sorts of ephah measures-they are both of them together something detestable to Jehovah". NWT This scripture clearly shows that God does not approve of double standards."What's good for the goose is good for the gander".
Has the mass exodus begun? It's August.
-LWT (Of the, 'not holding my breath' class.)
Has the mass exodus begun? It's August.
It's a moot point anyway. Poster BonaFide has promised to single-handedly "bring down" the organization in 11-1/2 months now.
Sir82, of the "don't hold your breath, 'cause it'll make you blue" class
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