Should JWs in banned lands be going underground?

by cognac 5 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • cognac

    On the one hand, Daniel still worshipped God the way he was before when it was law that he wasn't supposed to. On the other hand, it is said in the Greek scriptures to flee the land if people go against you when preaching.

    So, to me this would mean that JWs should go to where people would be receptive to the message if they can. However, if they JWs don't flee the city then they should follow as Daniel and continue what they were doing before - publicly going from house to house and to the meetings. Well, at least to the meetings.

    What are your thoughts?

  • OnTheWayOut

    IF THEY HAD THE ACTUAL TRUTH, then they should declare it no matter what.

    They don't. So answering your question is an exercise in futility.
    Their belief should drive them to declare this [everlasting] life-saving work before the end actually arrives to everyone possible.
    If they are beaten or thrown in prison for such work or even put to death, they will know that they have everlasting life from pleasing Jehovah.

    They should be spending the corporation's money on a worldwide advertising blitz. They should buy billboards and television time, have radio and magazine ads. They should be protesting in banned areas and let their mistreatment be proof of their urgency.

    Instead, the corporation cut back to just using free distributors. They don't do anything unprofitable anymore. They don't have truth.

  • cognac

    It was just funny to me how they emphasized so much at the DC what Daniel did and how he kept on doing what they he was doing and yet it evidently didn't dawn on them that JWs don't do that...

  • Anti-Christ

    yea, they like to pretend they are so great and courageous.

  • IWillBeDubbedNoMore

    I see your point cognac. I am just glad that the Society doesn't see it. Just imagine the suffering these innocent people would go through for nothing. Just like the Malawians.

  • jookbeard

    if they are stupid enough to go underground in places like Afghanistan, Iran,Iraq,Saudi,Kuwait,Chechnya,Russia,China, Myanmar, Libya,Algeria, more fool them, although it is funny to hear the urban legend stories that come out in Ass'eblies of the Dubs in these lands

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