Food For Thinking Christians - 1881 - PDF

by RR 8 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • RR

    Okay everyone. This is a collaborative effort. I scanned and PDF'd my copy of Food for Thinking Christians. Cabasilas then OCR'd and bookmarked it and uploaded the file. So here it is. Enjoy!

  • cabasilas

    Thanks for sharing this scanned version of Food For Thinking Christians with us, RR! I just want to acknowledge that the OCR was actually done by a friend in the UK using ABBYY, which seems to work better with these older files. This was Pastor Russell's first major writing endeavor after starting Zion's Watch Tower in 1879 and as far as I know has only been available before in text form.

  • Atlantis



    Yes, as cabasilas mentioned, we appreciate having this file in scanned PDF form and thank both of you! Many thanks also to the third party for the ABBYY application.

    Cheers! Atlantis!

  • cabasilas

    I've noticed a small difference between this scanned version and the text version that is online at:


    On page 120 in this scan version, Russell references the book Day Dawn for additional information about chronology supporting 1874.

    *The chronology, time proofs, etc., can be had in a book entitled "Day Dawn."
    Address, A. D. Jones, Pittsburgh, Pa.

    The online text version (page 95 of the PDF) instead says:

    *The Chronology, time proofs, etc., can be had in a book
    entitled "Millennial Day Dawn," soon to be published from this

    I'm guessing that earlier editions have the reference to Day Dawn by Paton and later editions of Food For Thinking Christians might have changed this due to the falling out Russell and Paton had. Also, Paton planned on publishing a new edition of Day Dawn which reflected his changed teachings.

  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer

    RR, Cabasilas, and the friend in the UK,

    Kudos to all. This is, by far, the best and cleanest digital version I have seen of this 1881 work by Russell.

    Marvin Shilmer

  • Psychotic Parrot
    Psychotic Parrot

    Do thinking christians exist?

  • cabasilas

    Well, they're not dead, so I guess they exist.... :)

  • NanaR

    Thanks to all of you!! This is the publication that caused my great-great grandfather to leave the Baptist Church and become a Bible Student. I daresay that great-great grandpa would hardly recognize the current JW beliefs as being the same as his beliefs.

    I had the text version, but this is a great addition to my library.

    You guys are the greatest


  • cabasilas

    Wow, Nana! Your family went way back. Glad you are able to use the file. RR has quite the collection of materials!

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