Just back from the sunday session on the Kepp on the watch convention.
by Belly 9 Replies latest jw friends
I have a few observations.
Having not been to a convention in over two years i had a complete diffrent perspective on the event. While i was initially pissed off by everything i heard, this feeling was replaced with nostalgia. Not in that i want to go back to the group or that i missed the lifestyle , but in that i remeber how brainwashed i used to be and it's kind of funny to see how rediculous i looked.
Its very difficult to be hard on people who belive the crap that comes off that stage. There just misled people that think there part of something big. Very big. I honestly never seen the WTS hint that the end was this close with so much furver and in enthusiasm in all the years ive been there.
So in the end you can call them hypocrites and whatever but just remember Dilusion are a mental condition, so its not really their fault.
I also saw the WTS for what it really is. Just another fundementalist church, so i finnaly realised that i had no need to be ashamed that i used to be a part of that. All this talk of bringing down the WTS used to apeall to me but now im gunna adopt more of a live and let live attitude. And in retrospect i can laugh at the nonsense they belive so firmly in a nostaligic way rather than a resentful way.
I feel alot of people on this board harber alot of hate for this group, and i dont neccicarily blame you. But if you feel this strongly about what you went through, even years after then guess what? They still have you minds and they win.
All in all, in a way i actually benifited from the convention. That is a first for me, so i can really join in the Borg slogan of "this was the best convention yet"
Same old,Same old..
Hours of talks..
Nothing is said..
"im gunna adopt more of a live and let live attitude. And in retrospect i can laugh at the nonsense they belive so firmly in a nostaligic way rather than a resentful way."
thanks for the statement,
I have been trying to follow this thought myself, it is difficult.
In order to move on I think your right.
It does becomes more nostalgic with time.
Good for you Belly.
im gunna adopt more of a live and let live attitude. And in retrospect i can laugh at the nonsense they belive so firmly in a nostaligic way rather than a resentful way.
I have moments of feeling like that. Then I see my elderly parents struggle to get to the KH. Feeling guilty about not doing more in FS. Or my brother shunned by his siblings. Or my nephew having panic attacks at the prospect of going in FS.
Then I get angry again. And sometimes a little too outspoken for my own good.
I think as time goes on many of us will began to feel more and more like that. However it's not just about how we feel it's also about loved ones that we have that may still be caught inside of it and that will always hurt.
How near did yours say it was? Did they mention any of that stuff that one topic with the chatlog said they mentioned? I went to one, but it was one of the first ones of the year in Tuscon and so with months gone by, it could have very well changed.
The best a$$embly ever:
The Bible lies.
How near did yours say it was?
September 1 2009.
Run Hikaru run! Get yout "go bag" and GO!