Could this be a reason some stay in the WT
by is there help out there 5 Replies latest jw friends
Absolutely. Fear keeps you from feeding doubt, because losing faith can be the most terrifying thing to happen. Your entire world is upside down, and you're terrified of everything.
If you mean is it because some horrible things happen out there in the real world, and JW's provide a form of escape, then yes, it is a reason for people staying. Th WTS preys on people's fears and insecurities, and JW's believe the Borg provides protection. They seem to overlook that bad things happen in the congregation, but put it down to imperfection.
Cantleave has said that JWs stay as a form of escape, implying a reasoned choice. I agree, but also think it is far stronger than that, as shown by this article. JWs, as with the girl in the news article, are mentally manipulated to stay, it goes beyond reasoned choice.
A recent book on the how the mind works (Brainwashing - The Science of Thought Control by Kathleen Taylor) discusses how we form beliefs through repetitious thinking and education. An ingrained belief even when shown to be wrong is then very difficult to change.
The book goes on to mention that a person views their mind as their most sacred possession. To not be in control of ones own thoughts are a persons greatest fears, hence the fear of psychotic disorders and Alzheimer’s disease. Hence, people are loathe to accept that other people are able to have control over their own beliefs.
A Witness will not admit that what they believe is a product of mind control techniques; rather they will adamantly say they are in full control of their belief system that they have developed through their own study and research. To admit they succumbed to brainwashing has too many implications regarding who we are and our own identity.
Yup to JW facts
I agree with what JW Facts said.