French Case Reveals Scientology Secrets

by Bangalore 4 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Bangalore
  • Satanus

    Hope they make headway against scientology. No scientology secrets, though, that i could find.


  • PSacramento


    Trying to take the heat off the JW's since the 50's !!

    LOL !!

  • yknot


    Electronic Reaction of Abrams

    Quack, Quack, Quackery!

  • glenster

    The Guardian, Sat., Aug.29, 2009:

    "Not only were six important French Scientologists placed in the dock for
    organised fraud and illegally practising as pharmacists – for selling vitamins
    classed as medication in France – but, for the first time, the Church itself was
    accused of organised fraud. In a historic move, the state prosecutor requested
    that the judges dismantle and dissolve Paris's two flagship Scientology
    premises: the Celebrity Centre and its bookshop in the capital. The verdict is
    due at the end of October, and the world is watching. If the Paris centres are
    shut, it will limit Scientology's operations in France and may have implications

    "Furthermore, according to the US Department of State (link), France makes
    efforts to protect scientology in their country. 'Discrimination against Jeho-
    vah's Witnesses, Scientologists, and other groups considered dangerous sects or
    cults remained a concern and may have contributed to acts of vandalism against
    these groups.' As with all groups considered to be 'cults' or 'sects', France
    attempts to be fair and reasonable, and will only intervene, as in this case,
    where there is a perceived danger to the public."

    The Jehovah's Witnesses leaders:

    Fraud--they claim to be the only qualified rule makers of a literal 144,000,
    mean to establish the exclusiveness with a dozen or so rules, and show fraud
    whenever they make a case to show their distinctive rules have the best evidence
    and reasoning for what was originally intended by the Bible, or try to shore up
    that case by playing prophet badly.

    Danger--harsh shunning rules expanded to apply to any of their distinctive
    rules, rules prohibiting the medical use of blood and major blood fractions, and
    expanded rules about worldliness and neutrality as it's led to specific guidance
    in Nazi Germany, Malawi, etc.

    Wikipedia--the reaction in France to the Jehovah's Witnesses:

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