I was watching t.v. last night and a commercial for this institute for humancontinuity came up. They are proclaiming the end of the world in 2012 in keeping with the Mayan Calendar. They were encouraging people to go to their site and sign up for a lottery to survive the end of the world.
So of course I am curious. When you go to the site it gives a demonstration of how the sun is going to burn up the earth in a few different possible ways. It also has a page where you can put in your name and contact info so you can be part of the limited population in the new earth that will arise out of the destruction. It even suggests you could be the Leader.
On the bottom of the page it has links to various movie studios, but I did not click on them as they were pop-ups and tend to be vary cautious. One blog I found suggested it was viral site. I don't exactly know what that means but it didn't sound good. I haven't gone back. Anyone else heard of this IHC?