Since leaving the Tower some seven years ago I took a leap building my wings of faith on the way down. I have enjoyed some of your posts on faith, truth, and life’s purpose yada yada yada. I have concluded that the truth about my existence lies somewhere in between being a hybrid human/alien product to being a Son of God with a meaningful purpose. The paradox of this issue is that I could make a valid case for any Cartesian point I choose to arrive at in this spectrum. I am curious to hear about your personal truths to the following questions:
1. How do you explain your existence and the afterlife?
2. What are the biggest lessons in your life you have had to learn?
3. What criteria do you use to accept a personal truth?
4. What past truths did you have to revise substituting them with what?
5. What gives you the greatest satisfaction since leaving the Tower?
6. If you summed up your life guiding principles you want to pass on to your children what are these?
We should be ready to revise any belief, we should change a belief where there is compelling reason to change it, and we should not change a belief wantonly without some good reason. The first point needs intellectual courage, the second, intellectual honesty, and the third, wise restraint. Do not believe anything but question only what is worth questioning.