They claim that all of their beliefs and actions are based on the scriptures, so how can they justify 9,10 year olds, or even early teens getting baptized? Jesus was 29, John the baptist was the same age or a year older. All of the others I recall from the OT & NT were adults. In my case I was at the ripe old age of 14 when I was baptized, at the age when I knew everything, or so I thought. All reasonable adults KNOW that children can not make decisions that will affect them for the rest of their lives. So why do dubs stand by and encourage, & even pressure their young ones to make this decision, especially when there are no scriptural grounds for doing such?
Is the answer as simple as I think? Do they want to trap people while they are young, and for life? If that is the plan, it is obvously flawed as evidenced by the hundreds, even thousands of young adults fleeing from WTS as soon as they have the chance, and are logical enough to make such decisions.
As I said, I think I know the answers to the questions that I am asking, I think that I just needed to vent.