*** lv chap. 9 pp. 97-109 "Flee From Fornication" ***
Q22, 23. (a) If a Christian commits a serious sin, why is his situation not hopeless? (b) What help is available to a wrongdoer?22 Being imperfect, we all struggle to subdue fleshly desires and do what is right in God's eyes. (Romans 7:21-25) Jehovah is aware of this, "remembering that we are dust." (Psalm 103:14) Sometimes, though, a Christian may commit a serious sin. Is his situation hopeless? By no means! Granted, the wrongdoer may reap bitter fruitage, as did King David. Nevertheless, God is always "ready to forgive" those who are contrite and "openly confess" their sins.-Psalm 86:5; James 5:16; Proverbs 28:13.
"...openly confess" their sins" to God or the elders or both
23 In addition, God has kindly provided the Christian congregation with "gifts in men"-mature spiritual shepherds who are both qualified and eager to render help. (Ephesians 4:8, 12; James 5:14, 15) Their goal is to assist a wrongdoer in restoring his relationship with God and, in the words of the wise man, in "acquiring heart" so that he does not repeat the sin.-Proverbs 15:32.
"...mature spiritual shepherds who are both qualified..." - How does that compare with repeated statements by J.R. Brown, public affairs director, that the elders are UNTRAINED VOLUNTEERS. So you have untrained volunteers judging the hearts of people. Now how good does that sound?
Q24, 25. (a) How did the young man described at Proverbs 7:6-23 show that he was "in want of heart"? (b) How can we 'acquire heart'?24 The Bible speaks of people "in want of heart" and of those "acquiring heart." (Proverbs 7:7) Because of spiritual immaturity and inexperience in God's service, someone "in want of heart" may lack discernment and good judgment. Like the young man described at Proverbs 7:6-23, he may more readily fall victim to serious sin. However, "he that is acquiring heart" gives serious attention to the inner person by means of regular, prayerful study of God's Word. And to the extent possible in his imperfect state, he harmonizes his thoughts, desires, emotions, and goals in life with what God approves. Thus he is "loving his own soul," or blessing himself, and "is going to find good."-Proverbs 19:8.
"...inexperience in God's service..." - What exactly is "Gods service"? Is it following WTS theocratic procedure?
"...harmonizes his thoughts, desires, emotions, and goals in life with what God approves..." so can the individual make these determinations or does the WTS policy and established body of theocratic law dictate the terms?
25 Ask yourself: 'Am I fully convinced that God's standards are right? Do I firmly believe that adherence to them results in the greatest happiness?' (Psalm 19:7-10; Isaiah 48:17, 18) If you have even a tiny doubt, address the situation. Meditate on the consequences of ignoring God's laws. In addition, "taste and see that Jehovah is good" by living the truth and by filling your mind with wholesome thoughts-things that are true, righteous, chaste, lovable, and virtuous. (Psalm 34:8; Philippians 4:8, 9) You can be sure, the more you do so, the more you grow to love God, to love what he loves, and to hate what he hates. Joseph was no superman. Yet, he was able to "flee from fornication" because, to give him heart. May the same be true of you.-Isaiah 64:8.
"...living the truth..." means 2 meetings a week, field service, family study of WTS publications, personal study of WTS publications, preparation for meetings etc
"...he allowed Jehovah to mold him over many years..." Who moulds JW's? Their own interpretation of Christian principles or the conscience of the WTS?
Q26. What important topic will be considered next?26 Our Creator formed our reproductive organs, not to be toys for mere thrills, but to enable us to reproduce and to enjoy intimacy within marriage. (Proverbs 5:18) God's view of marriage will be discussed in the following two chapters.
"...enable us to reproduce..." - So why does the WTS encourage singleness and childlessness?
*** lv pp. 218-219 APPENDIX - Gain the Victory Over Masturbation ***A spiritually unhealthy habit, masturbation instills attitudes that foster self-centeredness and corrupt the mind. A masturbator may also grow to view others as mere sex objects-tools for sexual satisfaction. Sex becomes separated from love and is relegated to a reflex that gives momentary pleasure and relieves sexual tension. But that relief is only temporary. In reality, instead of deadening the body's members "as respects fornication, uncleanness, [and improper] sexual appetite," masturbation arouses them.-Colossians 3:5.
Masturbation is the stroking or rubbing of the genital organs, commonly resulting in orgasm.
The apostle Paul wrote: "Beloved ones, let us cleanse ourselves of every defilement of flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in God's fear." (2 Corinthians 7:1) If you are struggling to heed these words, do not give in to despair. Jehovah is always "ready to forgive" and to help. (Psalm 86:5; Luke 11:9-13) Indeed, your self-condemning heart and your efforts to give up the habit-despite occasional relapses-indicate a good attitude. Keep in mind, too, that "God is greater than our hearts and knows all things." (1 John 3:20) God sees more than our sins; he sees the whole person. This knowledge enables him to hear with sympathy our earnest pleas for mercy. So never weary of turning to God in humble and earnest prayer, like a child who goes to his father when in trouble. Jehovah will bless you with a cleansed conscience. (Psalm 51:1-12, 17; Isaiah 1:18) Of course, you need to take positive steps in harmony with your prayers. For example, you would strive to avoid all forms of pornography as well as bad associates.
As a practical step in controlling the use of a home computer, many families keep it in a public area. Additionally, some households purchase software that filters out undesirable material. No system, though, is completely reliable.
If your problem with masturbation persists, please speak about the matter with a Christian parent or a spiritually mature and caring friend.-Proverbs 1:8, 9; 1 Thessalonians 5:14; Titus 2:3-5.
For practical suggestions on how to overcome masturbation, see the article "Young People Ask . . . How Can I Conquer This Habit?" in the November 2006 issue of Awake!, and pages 205-11 of the book Questions Young People Ask-Answers That Work, Volume 1.
Congregation "Bible Study" Comments - Week Commencing 7 September 2009
by LUKEWARM 9 Replies latest jw friends
That article is a piece of S..t .
Iam glad I walked away.
Goodbye "Congregation " Bible Study" Goodbye.
masturbation instills attitudes that foster self-centeredness and corrupt the mind. A masturbator may also grow to view others as mere sex objects-tools for sexual satisfaction. Sex becomes separated from love and is relegated to a reflex that gives momentary pleasure and relieves sexual tension. But that relief is only temporary
No references to any study, no oppinion from professional psychologists. Its exactly the attitude that allowed the vaccination, alluminium and bacteria fiasco. What a load of crap.
LUKEWARM: Thanks for the study!
With all the bad stunts the witlesses are being in the news about lately, I don't think masturbation or fornication should even register. I think kidnapping children and holding them as slaves (including raping them, and keeping the resulting children out of school), or killing and eating your baby, is a little more serious than masturbation and fornication would ever be.
Yet I wonder how long it will take the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger to print out a washtowel or Kingdumb Misery article telling people that they should not kidnap children or kill and eat babies.
Masturbation is the stroking or rubbing of the genital organs, commonly resulting in orgasm.So just in case any of you younger ones in the audience aren't sure yet what masturbation is/means here it is. Maybe to fully understand we know of what we speak, give it a try. Next week we will more fully explain "orgasm".
Trevor Scott
Q24, 25. (a) How did the young man described at Proverbs 7:6-23 show that he was "in want of heart"? (b) How can we 'acquire heart'?
Question (b) jumped out at me. The Hebrew word referred to and translated as "acquire" is qanah and it's the same word the Watchtower Society translated "produced" at Proverbs 8:22:
"Jehovah himself produced me as the beginning of his way.." (NWT)
The Watchtower Society pretends that Proverbs 8:22 is a reference to Jesus (despite the fact that nothing in the context implies it) and so to "prove" that Jesus is a created being, they've translated qanah as "produced" rather than "acquired"; ergo, Jehovah "produced" Jesus.
It is noteworthy that qanah appears a dozen times in the book of Proverbs. In every single case the NWT translates it "aquire" except that one case in Proverbs 8:22.
"Share your problem with a spiritually mature caring friend"
That 's how everybody in the Kingdumb Hell will find out your Dirty Little Secret.
There is a thread on this board about a youngster who was naive enough to apply this counsel......
I knew a former Dub, who tried to overcome his transvestism. He confided in an elduh he thought was trustworthy.
FF several years. Said elduh died. End of story? NO NO NO!!
FF a bit more. Elduhs WIFE is on deathbed, and asks to speak with PO - tells him all about Brother Naive's problem with "dressing up". (Her husband told her, saying it is WTBTS policy to prevent dirty secrets going to the grave in such cases.)
Next thing is the Elduhs turn up on his doorstep. All because he was stupid enough to trust a dub.
Actually reading the paragraph about "rubbing the genitals until orgasm" makes me think of the rhyme:
"rub a Dub DUb - three men in a tub..." (is this not right Mr Theo Greenlees??)
They want everybody to tell them of they play with themselves. This is OBVIOUS in the light of the material preceding the Masturbation stuff. "confess confess confess"...
Masturbation is becoming an ever BIGGER sin in the Borg. See my thread "Masturbation to become a DF offence" (It did too a few months later)
The Gibbering Buddy dont realise that the youngsters are seeing this for what it is. They are deciding that if they can be DF and lose all their family and parents for an ENTIRELY private thing (no pun) between you and God, you might as well just go out and have the sex because the penalty is the same.
Of course the shriveled professional virgins on the GB are all too old to remember that they played with themselves too, so they dont think they are being RIDICULOUS.
May I respond? Thank you, and may you have peace!
"Sometimes, though, a Christian may commit a serious sin."
Under the Old Covenant sins were viewed differently and thus had different "atonements" (i.e., some could be "atoned for" with the blood of doves, others with the blood of goats, lambs, etc.). Under the New Covenant, however, sin... is sin. There is no "serious" sin (save blasphemy against the Holy Spirit) and "less serious" sin. But all sin must be atoned for by blood (Hebrews9:22). However, unless it's the blood of Christ the benefit is only “temporary” (i.e., the person may believe their sin is forgiven) as all other blood has no eternal forgiving "value." Excluding blasphemy against the Holy Spirit, however… ALL sin can be atoned for, eternally, by the blood of Christ, regardless of what it is (Luke 32:43).
"...openly confess" their sins" to God or the elders or both"
We are to confess our sins... to one another(James 5:16; 1 John 1:9), and NOT to some falsely-appointed "tribunal" (1 Corinthians 4:3). True, we can also confess them to God and Christ, but they already now them, so unless they ask what reason is there to confess? It is when you try to "hide" them from God and Christ (which you can't do, so why even try, dear ones?? And we do that when we try to "fool" one another... and ourselves... into believing we are "sinless" - 1 John 5:8, 10...) so that you play with "trying to fool the Holy Spirit," which is blasphemy against that Spirit and so, unforgivable. The reasons we are to confess to one another is multifold:
(1) To impress upon us all that we are, all of us, imperfect and sinful, which is supposed to keep us from judging one another (John 8:7), something those who sit on WTBTS judicial committees entirely overlook - most probably to their own eventual demise;
(2) It renders our "nakedness" (i.e., where we lack the "clothing" that is love) manifest, so that we can know where we need to "put on" clothing (love). How? If you come to me and confess your sin I am, by means of holy spirit, obligated to forgive you for them. I am obligated to show you love. Why? Because I want you to forgive me when I confess my sins to you. Does that mean we "excuse" some heinous conduct? No. I would never tell you that murdering someone, or molesting someone, or stealing something from someone, etc.,… was “okay.” But if you come to me, confessed that you physically harmed (even killed) someone, and asked my forgiveness, I would absolutely forgive you (who am I to judge you?). I would also let you know, however, that you should immediately turn yourself over to the proper authorities and face your accusers and that if you don't and I am obligated (by law) to do so, I would do so. This is because confession has to do with the cleanliness of our SPIRIT and consciences... not the cleanliness of our "physical" hands and their “works”; and
(3) It eases both the mental state and spiritual conscience. The first in that I no longer have to hide from you/God/Christ, because you/God/Christ already know my "dirt." Therefore, I no longer have to live in the FEAR that you/God/Christ might find out. The second in that once you forgive me, I can move toward forgiving myself and, if I am not inclined to commit such sin again, move on with my life in a positive state of mind, perhaps even praising God for you having lightened my “load.” (Isaiah 58:6)
This is the MAIN "releasing" that Christ meant when he said, "Go releasing, go forgiving." The tendency for the first century priests and Pharisees, etc., NOT to forgive was the main way such folks kept the people from coming to God: i.e., "you are/have done… and so you aren't worthy." Problem was, neither were they, some even more so (John 8:7). Yet, they used this ploy as a means to make money (as most still do today) - "You committed such-and-such sin? Then you need to sacrifice such-and-so many such-and-so’s. That'll cost you such-and-so..." Or "Need me/us to pray for you/purchase your/your relatives soul out of Purgatory? That'll cost you such-and-so." Or "Need to get into heaven? Well, you're only a lowly publisher. However, if you put in such-and-so many hours a month [selling our magazines/books and making more "disciples" to sell more magazines/books, then God will "approve" of you, you will be "worthy" and, well, no, you won't get into heaven - 'cause you're not 'of the anointed' - but you'll live forever on earth." You get my drift.
"23 In addition, God has kindly provided the Christian congregation with "gifts in men"- mature spiritual shepherds who are both qualified and eager to render help. (Ephesians 4:8, 12; James 5:14, 15) Their goal is to assist a wrongdoer in restoring his relationship with God and, in the words of the wise man, in "acquiring heart" so that he does not repeat the sin.-Proverbs 15:32."
The WTBTS’s teaching on what is meant by “gifts in men” is a total LIE and a misstatement/mistransliteration of what was written. The term “gifts [in] men” is actually “gifts [in the] men,” which was an explanation as to God giving certain ones gifts OF THE SPIRIT in order to help build up the early congregation. The reason the WTBTS misstates this verse (Ephesians 4:8) is twofold:
(1) They wickedly and lying DENY the gifts of the spirit as having been done away with because they do not understand or possess them, or understand what [Paul] meant when he said they would be done away with. What [Paul] said and meant was that such gifts were PARTIAL and that when my Lord (“that which is complete”) returned THEN that which is partial would be done away with (1 Corinthians 13:8-12). Since my Lord has not yet returned, we are still possessed with the gifts of PARTIAL prophesying, tongues, knowledge, healing, etc.; and
(2) They do not understand (because they lack holy spirit) that [Paul’s] reference to God also giving apostles, prophets, shepherds, etc., was IN ADDITION to the GIFTS OF THE SPIRIT that He gave (Ephesians 4:12; 1 Corinthians 12:1-13). Even so, the “readjustment” that they refer to had to with getting a proper understanding of Christ and holy spirit (Acts 18:26; 19:1-6) and NOT sitting in judgment of one another on ANY matter (Matthew 23:2, 6-12; 2 Corinthians 1:24; Colossians 4:1). They misunderstand because they follow the young Paul (formerly Saul of Tarsus), who admonishment to judge among themselves almost ruined the Corinthian congregation (1 Corinthians 5:12) and so caused a 14-year division between him and the 12 apostles, rather than a more mature Paul who took some time himself to learn the LOVE of the Spirit (2 Corinthians 2:1-10; Romans 2:1-16; note, although situated first in the Bible canon, the letter to the Romans was actually written a year after the letters to the Corinthians!).
Q24, 25. (a) How did the young man described at Proverbs 7:6-23 show that he was "in want of heart"? (b) How can we 'acquire heart'?
24 The Bible speaks of people "in want of heart" and of those "acquiring heart." (Proverbs 7:7) Because of spiritual immaturity and inexperience in God's service, someone "in want of heart" may lack discernment and good judgment. Like the young man described at Proverbs 7:6-23, he may more readily fall victim to serious sin. However, "he that is acquiring heart" gives serious attention to the inner person by means of regular, prayerful study of God's Word. And to the extent possible in his imperfect state, he harmonizes his thoughts, desires, emotions, and goals in life with what God approves. Thus he is "loving his own soul," or blessing himself, and "is going to find good."-Proverbs 19:8.
First, the Bible is NOT God’s Word, Christ is (John 1:14; Revelation 19:13). Thus, you cannot STUDY God’s Word… you can only LISTEN to him (Matthew 17:5; John 10:1-15; 27). Second, the rest is just another lie in order to control the people.The footnote in the NWT Reference Bible states “want of heart” as “lacking good motive.” ”In want of heart” means not having a “place prepared” within us in which God and Christ may dwell and not having the Law of God, through Christ, written on our hearts. How so? With regard to preparation of our hearts to receive God and Christ, it comes down to motive: if our motives are not pure then they are deceptive and if we are deceptive God and Christ cannot dwell IN us. When we “acquire heart” in this sense we allow God to prepare our hearts (Psalm 10:17)… so that with Christ’s help we remove ALL deception… so that our hearts become “clean.” We cleanse… the INSIDE of the “cup”[that is our fleshly vessel]… so that God and Christ may come and make their abode (i.e., dwell) IN us. (Matthew 23:25, 26; John 1:47; 14:23; Romans 8:9, 10).
In the second sense, he “that is acquiring heart,” humbles himself… and SOFTENS his heart (Deuteronomy 15:7; Hebrews 3:8, 15; 4:7)… so that God can not only prepare it for a place for Himself to dwell, but to be ABLE to accept the law of Christ, which God, through Christ, “writes” on such one’s heart (Psalm 40:8; Hebrews 8:10). It is through having his Law written on our hearts that we are able to have discernment and good judgment so as to know how to “walk” through the “darkness” that living in the flesh sometimes is (Psalm 37:31).
25 Ask yourself: 'Am I fully convinced that God's standards are right? Do I firmly believe that adherence to them results in the greatest happiness?' (Psalm 19:7-10; Isaiah 48:17, 18)
One should first ask oneself if the “standards” are God’s… or that of the WTBTS… as not all “inspired expressions” originate with God.
If you have even a tiny doubt, address the situation.
Indeed, test the inspired expression: if it does not promote, encourage, or originate in love… and if it is not stated, supported, or corroborated by the example(s) set by Christ… it is NOT from God. Thus, if it judges… it is NOT from God, as Christ said NOT judge. Of course, the WTBTS will argue Paul here; however, if what Paul is recorded to have said contradicts what Christ is to have said… who should you choose? Paul initially said judge those on the inside. Christ said do not judge ANYONE. Paul later said do not judge. Paul changed. Christ did not. Who should you choose?
Meditate on the consequences of ignoring God's laws. In addition, "taste and see that Jehovah is good" by living the truth and by filling your mind with wholesome thoughts-things that are true, righteous, chaste, lovable, and virtuous. (Psalm 34:8; Philippians 4:8, 9) You can be sure, the more you do so, the more you grow to love God, to love what he loves, and to hate what he hates. Joseph was no superman. Yet, he was able to "flee from fornication" because, to give him heart. May the same be true of you.-Isaiah 64:8.
By the spirit that is in me, holy spirit, which spirit I received from the Holy One of Israel, JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH, the Son and Christ of the MOST Holy One of Israel, JAH of Armies, from whom he received it, I say to you there is a better and easier way, one stated by the Apostle John who, I believe, is much more credible than the leaders of the WTBTS:
“My little children, I am writing to you these things that you may not commit a sin. And yet, if anyone DOES commit a sin, WE HAVE A HELPER WITH THE FATHER, JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH, a righteous one. And HE… is a PROPITIATORY SACRIFICE FOR OUR SINS.” (1 John 2:1, 2)
Dear ones, you will sin. I will sin. We are sinners. We were conceived in sin, born in sin, and now reside in sin. For the flesh is sinFUL… and of no use at all. Try as you might, you will NOT be able to remain free from sin. Contrary to what Paul initially taught, he later realized that even he was incapable of living a sin-free life. Dear ones, that is why we NEED a sacrifice: BECAUSE we sin and are sinners. We cannot help it in all cases. The HOPE, however, is that Christ came to CALL sinners… and NOT righteous people, for righteous people have no NEED of salvation – they can save themselves, can they not?
By their statement(s) above, however, the WTBTS has shown that they not only misunderstand the MERCY of God… through His UNdeserved kindness… but they do not know Christ… or his purpose. For this VERY false teaching purports to tell you that YOU can do it… YOU can achieve righteousness… on your own… just by keeping God’s laws. You cannot. For if you transgress one… even one, no matter how “small”… and you will transgress at least one… you transgress them all. Praise JAH, however, One has given HIS life so that if we DO sin, we can ask forgiveness on the basis of HIS blood… which blood covers ALL sin, save blasphemy against the Holy Spirit.
If, “by filling your mind with wholesome thoughts-things that are true, righteous, chaste, lovable, and virtuous,” you truly could “conquer” sin… then what need do you have of Christ? Of what benefit is he to you? You have conquered sin and thus are “sinLESS,” no? And if sinLESS… then entitled to life, yes? Only One has achieved that goal, dear ones. You and I, however, cannot achieve it in the flesh. We can hope for it, and ask for help when we are weak… and forgive when we fail. And we will fail. Praise JAH that He has given us not only a ransom… but a redeemer, a propitiatory sacrifice. His Son.
May you hear and get the sense of this truth, if you so wish it.
The apostle Paul wrote: "Beloved ones, let us cleanse ourselves of every defilement of flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in God's fear." (2 Corinthians 7:1)
Again, Paul vs. Christ. Paul is concerned with defilement of the flesh. However, Christ said that what defiles a man is not what a man touches or does with/to his flesh… but “what comes out of the mouth… and heart…. of a man.” (Matthew 15:2, 11, 16-20) That is why, although he did not condemn a woman caught in the very ACT of adultery, he did tell his disciples that if a man kept looking at a woman “so as to have passion for HER” has already committed adultery… IN HIS HEART. What does this mean? Again… motive. A person engaging in masturbation… or any other fleshly activity… needs to examine his/her MOTIVE. If one is doing something purely for a medical or “loving” purpose, there is no law against it. Thus, if one gives blood (to save a life), masturbates (because one’s spouse can no longer provide the service, etc.), or eats a delicacy (so as not to offend one’s host), one is not committing an act of defilement. If, however, one gives blood purely for monetary gain (i.e., wouldn’t do it unless was paid), or masturbating due to an inappropriate passion (i.e., another’s wife/husband, someone who does not actually consent, etc.), or eating, say, live monkey brains in order to become some kind of celebrity/gain accolades, etc.,… one is doing so for a “wrong” motive and thus an unclean heart. As a result, the ACT… is unclean.
If you are struggling to heed these words, do not give in to despair. Jehovah is always "ready to forgive" and to help. (Psalm 86:5; Luke 11:9-13) Indeed, your self-condemning heart and your efforts to give up the habit-despite occasional relapses-indicate a good attitude. Keep in mind, too, that "God is greater than our hearts and knows all things." (1 John 3:20) God sees more than our sins; he sees the whole person. This knowledge enables him to hear with sympathy our earnest pleas for mercy. So never weary of turning to God in humble and earnest prayer, like a child who goes to his father when in trouble. Jehovah will bless you with a cleansed conscience. (Psalm 51:1-12, 17; Isaiah 1:18) Of course, you need to take positive steps in harmony with your prayers. For example, you would strive to avoid all forms of pornography as well as bad associates.
While I agree wholeheartedly with these statements, I must point out that an extremely critical part is missing. Missing here and in MOST WTBTS propaganda: Christ. The lack of reference to him here… as the One (Joseph) whom we must go THROUGH… and the One by MEANS of whose blood JAH (Pharaoh) DOES forgive… is, to me, quite glaring.
As a practical step in controlling the use of a home computer, many families keep it in a public area.
May help with home computer. Won’t do a darn thing for public (library), work, laptops, and other computers to which one might have access. And unless one wants to sit up all night… or install a camera… to make sure it never happens on the home computer, one should probably try to deal with/understand the underlying reason for the compulsion instead (at least, for spouses, etc. – for most teenage boys, however… okay, and many men – okay, and women - it’s probably a losing battle…)
What helps MOST? Lack of fear. Which originates with love. Meaning, i f the one with the “problem” could realize that he/she would not be judged negatively, would not become a sort of spectacle, would not be subject to looks, ridicule, drama, etc., from spouses, family members, elders, and, where folks are gossipy, perhaps the entire congregation... would not probably being facing immediate divorce or being kicked out of the house... which wouldn't happen, right, cause loves forgives?... one would most likely either decrease the practice (if it bothered him/her) on his/her own… or learn to live with it and simply request forgiveness (if it bothered him/her) while granting forgiveness to others for their own “weaknesses,” whatever they may be.
Bottom line: there are children dying of hunger in the world. There are seniors wasting away from neglect. There are folks of all walks of life, races, and ages… who are ill, many terminally so. There are folks that are homeless, abused, abandoned, enslaved, and perhaps worse. My point? As “christians” there is so much more for us to be “worried” about (if indeed we need to worry), rather than whether someone unrelated, let alone related, to us is masturbating. Really.
The WTBTS uses [Paul’s] admonition regarding defiling the flesh as a means to addressing this issue; however, the flesh is "defiled" - it is sinFUL. And as the history of the Corinthian congregation shows, following [Paul] to the “t” on matters relating to weaknesses of the flesh can be dangerous, spiritually.
I bid you all the greatest of peace.
A slave of Christ,
" Bottom line: there are children dying of hunger in the world. There are seniors wasting away from neglect. There are folks of all walks of life, races, and ages… who are ill, many terminally so. There are folks that are homeless, abused, abandoned, enslaved, and perhaps worse. My point? As “christians” there is so much more for us to be “worried” about (if indeed we need to worry), rather than whether someone unrelated, let alone related, to us is masturbating. Really. "
I agree, Amen.
Very soon, blood sacrifices will be in effect again.
Christian churches are beginning to teach that the forsaking of blood sacrifices was a false teaching.
So, just remember, everytime you do that bad thing....god is going to kill a kitten!