Rude JW response to a conversation stopper?

by Gopher 9 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Gopher

    Did you ever use this response, or know of someone who did? It's in page 16 of the "Reasoning from the Scriptures" book. The "conversation stopper" being addressed is, I'm not interested .

    The 7th and final suggested answer for a JW publisher is as follows:

    Is that your usual reply when Jehovah's Witnesses call?....Have you ever wondered why we keep calling or what we have to say?....Briefly, the reason is that I know something that you should know too . Why not listen just this once?
    Who could get away with this kind of response, or who could keep a straight face while saying it? Was the Society serious when they put this response in the book, or did the writers "slip one by" the editor?

    Remember, they claim they're out to persuade people, NOT to win arguments. Hmmmm!!!

    GopherWhy shouldn't truth be stranger than fiction? Fiction, after all, has to make sense.
    Mark Twain (1835-1910)

  • Billygoat

    Yikes! I don't remember this one, although it doesn't surprise me if I used it. Haha!

    The thing about being part of the only true religion is that you can be above good social etiquette. This response (as well as many JW's I've met) is something I'd expect from someone like Nelly Oleson in Little House on the Prairie. When you have a mother that thinks you are better than everyone else in town, it doesn't matter if they think you're rude. You can be. You're better than them. JW's are no different. You have an organization telling you that you're better than everyone else in the world. Who cares if worldy people think you're rude? You're better than them.


  • Mum

    One sister I was in service with in a rural area was once threatened with a shotgun by an irate householder. Maybe if she had been more persistent as suggested by this posted response to a conversation stopper, he might be a JW now. He certainly had the mental health qualifications.

    Seize the day, and put the least possible trust in tomorrow. - Horace

    I have learned to live each day as it comes and not to borrow trouble by dreading tomorrow. - Dorothy Dix

  • Billygoat

    There was a sister in Hawaii that used to tell people that rejected her, "You will make great fertilizer in my garden someday!" There was another man that used to say, "Read the Watchtower or die!!!"

    Yeah...that'll motivate me to listen to your crap!


  • William Penwell
    William Penwell

    What can you expect with people that are low educated and ignorant???

  • ashitaka

    I always thought that "I'm not interested" should be followed by a pie-throwing contest.



    Hey gopher,"Im not interested".The come back line for that here in the Great White North was:"What is it your not interested in?"Ha-Ha if somebody said that to me now,I`d tell them.Oh well,dubs avoid my house so I doubt I`ll get the chance any time soon.I seem to make them nervous.LOL...OUTLAW

  • COMF

    I remember reading a really neat anecdote once, that applies here.

    A woman answered a knock on the door to find a man in a suit, with a large case (circuit-overseer size, since we're all in the know) sitting beside him and a big smile on his face.

    "Good afternoon, ma'am!" he said. "I assume from the swingset in your yard that you have children. Tell me, are you interested in your children's education?"

    "No," she answered with a smile, and shut the door.

    The article went on to explain that the woman had answered the REAL question. He wasn't asking, "Are you interested in your children's education?" He was asking, "Are you interested in buying the encyclopedias I'm selling?" So she cut to the chase, saving both herself and him a lot of time.

    I've remembered this story ever since, because of the impact it had on me; it was an epiphanic moment. I've used the principle often since then.

    "Have you ever wondered why we keep calling or what we have to say?"

    "Nope. Bye." (close)


  • TR

    I never used any of those damn "stoppers". If someone didn't want to listen, I left. If there's one thing I hate, It's a pushy fucking salesman, so I vowed not to be a pushy fucking salesman.


    I'm gonna make mince meat outta that Osama!

  • oscartheduck

    okay, I admit it. I used that one.

    It worked, too.

    The woman I was talking to looked at me furiously, but never went inside the house.

    I was so startled by her remaining outside that I forgot what to say next.

    The Watchtower, April 15, 1928, p. 126 "As every one knows, there are mistakes in the Bible "

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