Did you ever use this response, or know of someone who did? It's in page 16 of the "Reasoning from the Scriptures" book. The "conversation stopper" being addressed is, I'm not interested .
The 7th and final suggested answer for a JW publisher is as follows:
Is that your usual reply when Jehovah's Witnesses call?....Have you ever wondered why we keep calling or what we have to say?....Briefly, the reason is that I know something that you should know too . Why not listen just this once?Who could get away with this kind of response, or who could keep a straight face while saying it? Was the Society serious when they put this response in the book, or did the writers "slip one by" the editor?
Remember, they claim they're out to persuade people, NOT to win arguments. Hmmmm!!!
GopherWhy shouldn't truth be stranger than fiction? Fiction, after all, has to make sense.
Mark Twain (1835-1910)