I always dogged my return visits. Typically, I would place a set of rags, write it down, and then "forget" it. They would want to work my calls, but I would always have "none" that I wanted to make. Or, I would simply drag it until they moved out or were not home enough times, and then I would make sure the calls would languish until they went out of date. Thus, they never got done.
With the ugly men that I was getting littera-trash placed with, I didn't even want to see them again. They would often try to give me their men calls (especially the really ugly ones with no female members of the family or household--those were my calls). What would happen is that I would "forget" about them--until the car group drove me to them. Upon which I would give them times when I had a hope that the call was not home. Plus, when I saw someone leaving home, I would do my best to drag my feet so they would be gone before we got them.
Unfortunately, the bunch of dingbats I had to work with were not that way. They wanted to race to people before they left. They would do bus stops, and screech ahead of the bus (which I was hoping would beat them). They exhausted their return visits, and wanted me to do the same (instead of dogging them). They got p***ed when I let them drive right by a street or house I knew where it was but they didn't.
Hey, you can only set me up with just plain men for so long before I am going to start dogging my calls.