I completely sympathize and empathize with you my friend! I know exactly how hard it is to make friends on the outside, and I too know how it is to have things related to being a Witness creep in when it comes to new friends, and your family etc. But it can be done, it takes a bit of conscious self correction. I still have times where I have to say, "feenx, this is not reality, this is simply JW programming. Don't think that way, it's ok." At first it's hard, but the more you do it the easier it becomes. And like anything in life time always helps.
Strangely enough, in a round about a way, and some cases directly, all my friends came from the internet. In fact I have a friend, who I view as a sister, that I met off the strictly platonic category on Craigslist. Odd, I know. But it can be done. Keep your chin up! Remember that friendship is a two way street, so it's JUST as important that you like these people, forget all the JW nonesense. It doesn't apply to right now. Enjoy the moment man, you're out!!