To the Household of God, Israel, and those who go with... may you all have peace!
On many occasions there are posts calling for an all-out exposure of the WTBTS and its practices/doctrines, for some kind of intervention, by government or others, to bring her to her end... and, if possible, in a ball of searing flames. For those who reside in the U.S., I am compelled by holy spirit to remind you that, thankfully (for us) the U.S. Constitution preserves the right of all U.S. citizens to freedom of religion. Unfortunately (for members of the WTBTS and other such organizations), the Constitution doesn't say it has to be a "legit" religion (I mean, just how is that established, actually?)... or even a non-cult religion (ditto). "Religion" is what a person believes it... and its teachings... to be for them. Bottom line, it should be up to the individual members of a nation to choose whom they [and their children] will follow and who/what they want to "rule over" them. It is that way in the eyes of the Most Holy One of Israel, JAH of Armies. Joshua 24:15; 1 Samuel 8:7-22
Keep in mind, please, that although our Lord himself openly exposed the hypocrisy and abuse of the Jewish priests, writers of law (scribes), and on-priestly religious "leaders" (Pharisees/Sadducees, etc.)... as many of us do here... it was only to those folks themselves... and those they were harming. .. that he did so. Much as it is here. He didn't, for example, send out a message to Rome (or even its governor, Pontius Pilate)... and particularly not to any who constituted themselves as "enemies" of the Jews... and ask for intervention on behalf of the misled, misguided, and mistreated Jews... or himself. This is because he realized there was a purpose being fulfilled: just as then, so it is today... people must CHOOSE... themselves... and NOT compelled... as to what they will believe and who they will/will not follow. John 10:1-15
Now, I know, as does our Lord, that because it seems to take so long for "the wicked" to come to their end one can lose hope. FAITH, however, should keep your hope strong. Look how long it took other wicked systems to fall - hundreds of years, in some cases. But shouldn't we WANT such time to pass? Let me ask you, those of you who may still have loved one in her... do you not recall the admonition of our Lord to "Get OUT of her, MY people... IF you do not want to share WITH HER in her sins and IF you do not want to receive part of her plagues." Those "people," dear ones, may well include YOUR loved ones. Do you really, then, want to see her receive her "plagues" now... while your loved ones are still IN her?
Dear ones, God is NOT slow respecting ANY of His promises. The TRUTH is that He doesn't wish ANY to be destroyed... and so, by means of His GREAT mercy He allows sufficient time for ALL of His sheep to get out of whatever "city" is slated for destruction. Whether the world in Noah's, day, Sodom/Gomorrah, Egypt, Jerusalem... the WTBTS... whatever.
Please, then, do NOT be "craving the day of JAH" (Amos 5:18) for there are, hopefully, still many to be saved. I have no loved ones in that harlot, but I know some of you do. Would it be LOVING, then, for ME to call for her demise... even if it meant that YOUR loved ones would be caught inside her gates? Should we not even pray that the "wicked" get it, turn around, get out... and bring as many out with them as they can? The dear Raymond Franz used to among those some at that time called "wicked," the WTBTS Governing Body. And yet, HE got out... to the benefit of MANY here and perhaps many others to come. What, however, if the Most Holy One of Israel had responded to the cry of those during his day in the WTBTS leadership? Mercifully, He did not and many have come out of her.
Also, if we do crave her demise, how are we any different from her and her members? Is not their primary message the end and destruction of their enemies?? Where is the CHRIST in that? For whose end did our Lord beseech the Father? Did he not ask that even those who put his flesh to death be FORGIVEN?
But do not worry: her end WILL come; indeed, the "beginning of [her] end" has already begun. But it will be when her time has come, not when we might like it to be. Be patient, then, and long-suffering... for God is not slow and He will not be late. PRAY for your enemies, including these... and all who "go with" them. Because it is in THIS way you will show yourselves merciful and loving and thus PERFECT, like our heavenly Father. To do otherwise is to do what SHE has taught you to do… and think as SHE has taught you to think… and hope as SHE has taught you to hope. To do, think, and hope as SHE does… while decrying HER acts, thoughts, and hopes… is hypocrisy! You cannot condemn her… and yet, do as she does.
Of course, what each one will do in this regard is his/her own prerogative. We are all free moral agents. I am compelled by holy spirit, however, to set forth the "wisdom" in the words at Proverbs 24:17-19:
"When your enemy falls, do not rejoice; and when he is caused to stumble, may your heart not be joyful, that JAH may not see and it be bad in HIS eyes and He certainly turn BACK His anger from against him. Do not show yourself to be heated up at evildoers. DO not become envious of wicked people. For there WILL prove to be no future for anyone bad; the very lamp of wicked people WILL be extinguished."
I, SA, have shared this with you just as I have received it from the Holy One of Israel, JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH, Son and Christ of the MOST Holy One of Israel, JAH of Armies.
I bid you peace.
Servant to the Household of God, Israel, and all those that go with... and a slave of Christ,