last weekend we were invited at a family of JW.
they are some decent people, reasonable, realistic, balanced, having good jobs and a house, certianly took care of their future pension, and will give their child a good education.
You can discuss with them many different topics, and they are not blind to mistakes of brothers or even the leaders...
however, they are dubs, both being raised in the "truth", they dont know anything else really....
We have quit a number of friends like that, being down to earth, not extreme, have a good life, and still "strong" in their faith...
The other day, we also did a congregation-trip, and while you find everywhere some selfrighteous puffed-up "pioneer", "wannabe-elders" or real"elders" or "elderettes", most of the folk was fine, no worry about anybody behaving badly, getting drunk or something like that.
I was thinking, it wouldnt be so bad to be a witness, IF.....
yes, its the "IF" that makes one worry., the mind-control thing of the GB.
anybody going through similar thoughts ?