Bubba maketh a sacrifice; the LORD doth appear, and putteth the smack down
IN the beginning was the Word, and the Word had too many syllables, and the Word had only one syllable, and that was still too many for Bubba.
2. And Bubba lived deep in the land of Dix-ie, a fair country, where the smell of gunpowder and barbeque was thick among the trees.
3. And Bubba did have a double-wide, in which there was a TV set. And it came to pass that satellite TV came into the land of Dix-ie. And Bubba did rejoice exceedingly at the coming of satellite TV, because of the porn thereof.
4. And Bubba spat out his chaw onto the linoleum floor of his trailer so that he might speak. And he spake, This here's mighty fine porn, and yea, there is NASCAR racing and WWF in abundance. For these things, we give thanks to the LORD.
5. And Bubba did take his dawg Skeeter out back among the rusty car parts, and even among the old tires did he take him. And Bubba did anoint Skeeter with Quaker State, and prepare to offer Skeeter unto the LORD with his 10-gauge.
6. But Skeeter was lousy with fleas and mange. And he had eaten of the neighbour's cat, and did puketh, even at the moment of sacrifice. Yea, he did puketh mightily.
7. And therefore in the sky there was a noise as of thunder, and the voice of the LORD did speak at Bubba's feet, from a rusty paint can.
8. And the paint can did flame, but was not consumed.
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