Did you hear about the 19 lb baby? He's huge. But cute. I'd hate to have been the poor thing that gave birth to him!
Huge baby!
by crapola 7 Replies latest jw friends
OUCH!!!! I saw that this morning
A lot of weird birth stories this week. There's the woman who's pregnant with a kid that's not hers. She has to give it back to the rightful parents. Then there's the woman that got pregnant. And two weeks later got pregnant with a second one. They're not twins, just two separate pregnancies at the same time. WTF?
19 pounds? Ouchy, my eyes are watering!!
I wanna see a pic of the little cutie
http://www.nydailynews.com/news/world/2009/09/24/2009-09-24_big_baby_boy_weighs_in_at_19pounds_at_birth_in_north_sumatra_indonesia.html I doesn't count he was born C-Section
Joshnaz, thanks for the link to read about the baby. It would be so hard to treat a baby that size like a newborn or it seems like it would be. I've heard that diabetes can cause that problem so he's probably lucky to to alive and healthy.
Joan Rivers was once asked by a man to describe the pain involved in having a baby. She said, "just put two fingers on each side of your mouth and pull your lips over your ears."
19 pounds? Triple ouch!
Farkel, Male Coward CLASS
Oooooucccch!! Anyone got links to the other stories bluecanary talked about?