Canada Bethelites told not accepted if they marry

by Pathofthorns 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • Pathofthorns

    Since I'm out of the loop, this was told to me by a friend tonight that since the Canadian Bethel continues to downsize, any Bethelites that are dating are informed they and their future wives will not be accepted if they marry.

    It is well known here that the branch built for growth that never occurred and continues to not happen so it is likely there is some truth to this. This may be old news anyway, like i said, I'm out of the loop.

    In the past (and correct me if I'm wrong) at least one could re-apply and have a reasonable good chance of being accepted.

    These days a bethelite finds himself with difficult choices to marry and face the big scary real world or stick with the life he knows.

    One way or another, the WT makes it difficult for those who wish to live a normal life. "Sure you can get married... goodbye"

    PS... Somehow, if you have skills useful to bethel and didn't listen to their advice on college i think somehow they would find some reason to keep you.


  • JT

    that is so sad- yes they are now hooking up all the wicked jw who went to college and dumping all the guys who skipped college to sell worthless books

    you got to love the wt


  • cellomould

    In this case, why do they not accept more sisters to balance the male/female ratio?!

    Instead of breaking their poor hearts by rejecting them, they should accept as many as possible.

    Then there will be more marraiges, hence more 'happily ever after, see ya later bethel' stories to tell!


    "All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing." Edmund Burke

  • hillary_step


    They are battening down the hatches, but this is across the board. A downsizing and cost cutting scenario is being structured not just for Canada, but is being implemented in all Branches as a worldwide arrangement.

    Interestingly, simultaneously a widespread Kingdom Hall building and renovating work is being planned. This will be paid for locally but of course is 'owned' by Brooklyn.

    It is a very cunning plan with an eye on future lawsuits and Governmental intrusion.

    Best regards - HS

  • RunningMan

    My cousin, who was a 10 year Canadian Bethel veteran left
    about 6 weeks ago. He got married, and was not allowed to

    The two of them plan to reapply in a few months.

  • ThiChi

    However:If you have a profession (law or medical) that is needed, they will take kids! I know of an attorney that was sent to Patterson kids and all!

    Funny, but I remember the letter sent to all congregations (about six years ago) stating that there was a need for doctors and lawyers. Wow, if you disobeyed the WT and got your degree as a doctor or lawyer back in the 60's or 70's or 80's, you can now write your own ticket with the WT! They will support you, feed you, send you around to give talks.....I agree with all the posts......

  • Scully

    Seems to me that Bethel is turning into a JW-style seminary.

    It is not persecution for an informed person to expose a certain religion as being false. - WT 11/15/63

  • ozziepost

    Here in the land of Oz it's the same, too.

    Makes it difficult for those hot-blooded males, eh?


    "It's better to light a candle than to curse the darkness."


  • ISP

    I am surprised! But if you can get any KM quotes that would be good. In the UK, they are happy to get whatever they can. There has been demand due to the France situation but I guess that is the exception.


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