Since I'm out of the loop, this was told to me by a friend tonight that since the Canadian Bethel continues to downsize, any Bethelites that are dating are informed they and their future wives will not be accepted if they marry.
It is well known here that the branch built for growth that never occurred and continues to not happen so it is likely there is some truth to this. This may be old news anyway, like i said, I'm out of the loop.
In the past (and correct me if I'm wrong) at least one could re-apply and have a reasonable good chance of being accepted.
These days a bethelite finds himself with difficult choices to marry and face the big scary real world or stick with the life he knows.
One way or another, the WT makes it difficult for those who wish to live a normal life. "Sure you can get married... goodbye"
PS... Somehow, if you have skills useful to bethel and didn't listen to their advice on college i think somehow they would find some reason to keep you.