Tonight's conference call Saturday Sept.26,2009 "Social Club or Religion" can be heard on pal talk.

by koolaid-man 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • koolaid-man

    Is the Jehovah's Witness Organization more of a social club than a religious organization? Many are not finding Biblical truth but for some odd reason they continue to loyally follow an organization that gives the false hopes. It seems as though the Witnesses like being attached to an organization rather than getting true spiritual information. The glue that seems to hold so many Witnesses together is not based on Biblical truth, however, with the solidarity and comradery of belonging to something is what keeps them in.

    Our guest on the conference call for Saturday September 26th at 7PM EST will be Richard Kelly, author of the book "Growing up in Mama's Club".

    Our pre-conference call program opens at 6:30 PM EST. All of those who have been touched by the tentacles of the Watchtower have an opportunity to dial in and talk to old friends and meet new ones.

    Getting on the call is easy, dial 712-432-8710. When asked for pin enter 9925. There is no charge for the call, only your normal calling rates will apply.

  • koolaid-man

    If you can't participate via your own phone... a s usual w e are again host ing this conference call on Paltalk . Y ou can download & use Paltalk basic for FREE. Go to Click "Download for Free" follow installation directions . NOTE: I recommend using a separate hotmail / gmail account for Paltalk registration, not your regular E-mail account, I have been getting reports of a volume Spam coming through Paltalk. The room name for the conference call is: Six ScreensOf The Watchtower It is found under " Religion and Spirituality " subsection "Christianity"

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee
    There is no charge for the call, only your normal calling rates will apply.

    this really means "only your normal long distance charges will apply. My last billing for this was $203.04.

    Good thing I had just signed up for a savings plan

  • WTWizard

    If you are getting $200 phone bills, you might want to try a cheaper long distance service. There are, in fact, services that offer flat rate phone charges--good if you frequently make long calls that are long-distance (there is no need to pay $200 or more a month these days).

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