So that when we are on the go we can instantly login and connect to read and leave posts!!
We need an Iphone APP for
by foolsparadise 1 Replies latest jw friends
Naaaaaa, I don't like mobile-enabled websites from iphone one bit. Just give me the REAL SITE and let me zoom & scroll.
Mobile-enabled sites are like having your hands force-tied behind your back, taking away all control by the user.
Mobile-enabled sites (sadly, JWN included) totally reek and are miserable to use.
Too much info and options are left out of mobile-enabled sites.
Some mobile-enabled sites don't even have the insight to let the USER DECIDE if they want to accesss the mobile or regular site.
Fortunately, wiki and google pages allow you to CHOOSE if you want their mobile or regular site, as it should be. Let the USER DECIDE, don't decide for me!
Other sites, like Sears and Kmart, FORCE YOU onto their mobile site, which is horrendous. I refuse to visit their sites because of that.