Contributions vs donations vs outright literature selling

by Georgiegirl 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • Georgiegirl

    I know I have a tendency to be country-centric - that is, where I live the society handles "donations" for the literature in one way so I assume it's like that all over the world.

    Does anyone know which countries still charge for literature (we'll call it the "suggested donation" - whatEVER) and which don't (like the U.S. b/c of the tax implications). I suspect that the poorest countries, especially those in Latin America, are still expected to contribute both at the door and in the Kingdom in order to receive any literature at all.

    Any current information?

  • Farkel

    Over a period of several years the WTS phased in the "donation arrangement" worldwide. After the Jimmy Swaggart trial, they only implemented it in the USA and several other countries, but (likely) due to their duplicity and the heat they received from it, decided to make it policy everywhere.

    I'm not sure that they still smuggle literature through numerous countries before it gets to its destination country as Ray Franz pointed out. They did this to avoid having to pay import duty or taxes. I am sure, though, that if they can still get away with it, they are still probably doing it.

    It's all about the money.


  • isaacaustin

    So nice to know "God's org" got new light from "Babylon the Great" LOL

  • Georgiegirl

    Hmmm...then they are in bigger financial trouble than I thought.

  • isaacaustin

    georgiegiril, why do you say that?

  • blondie

    In 2000 the WTS switched all their locations worldwide to the same arrangement, contributing to the worldwide work and not charging jws for the publications either.

    *** yb01 p. 18 Highlights of the Past Year ***Another factor in reaching more people with the good news has been the simplified literature distribution arrangement. Jehovah has blessed the faith shown by his servants in this matter. The voluntary donation arrangement is explained to people, but no charge is made for the literature. As of January 2000, that arrangement was extended to all lands where it was not already in operation. The Central African Republic branch wrote: "This means that anyone, no matter what his or her financial situation may be, can have the necessary printed material to become a disciple of Christ. This arrangement has been greatly appreciated by both the publishers and the public."

  • sir82
    the necessary printed material to become a disciple of Christ.

    That expression just strikes me as utterly ludicrous, beyond absurd.

    Matthew 28:21 - "Of course, make sure that the person you are about to baptize has read sufficient printed material first - otherwise, forget it."

  • Farkel

    :Matthew 28:21 - "Of course, make sure that the person you are about to baptize has read sufficient printed material first - otherwise, forget it."

    Don't forget the 100+ question TEST they also have to take before they can be baptized.

    "Go ye therefore and make disciples of all the Nations, TESTING them and baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit Watchtower Religious Printing Corporation."


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