I think that I might just know a bit about how you probably feel. When my wife had our second child (born by a CS as the little blighter was in the wrong position) a blood transfusion was a total no-no. Even as a then JW I had my reservations, but not my JW wife!
Fortunately, she and our newborn son (Robin) both came through the potentially life-thtreatening situation just fine. I put that down entirely to the high quality skills of the open-minded Hindu doctor's expertise and dedication. However, I did pause to think what might have happened if the Indian doctor's skills were somewhat lacking. He was so totally sympathetic to the often fluctuating, weird JW belief on blood - he was a lucky find!.
Thirty three years later, I look back in horror as to what might have been, and just am so grateful that things worked out so well.
Not everyone has had such an easy experience though - many mothers and children have died. And why? All because of an extremely narrow interpretation by the cult members of the WT society of some pretty ambiguous texts from a very old book that has been translated many, many times. Absolutely tragic, and yes, I believe the rule makers have total responsibility for the loss of life of members willingly going along with what they understand to be the latest interpretation of blood policy. Somehow, I don't think they'll ever accept their responsibility in this issue, though.
The weird, inconsistent, fluctuating JW view on blood has fascinated me for a long time. Blood transfusions only became an issue in the 1940's. Prior to that it was a matter of individual conscience. Now, it seems to be a total shambles! Blood fractions are now OK?
Could this just be precursor to a future statement absolving the WTS of all/any responsibility to the countless victims trying so hard to adhere to the latest cult's statement on a totally fudged issue? Personally, I think that money talks and it is just a matter of time before the entire blood issue is left to embers as a conscience matter. THey'll wriggle out of most lawsuits against them then. Someone, somewhere has to hit them hard, now!
For me, the game's up, and someone with lots of cash will soon win a huge case settlement against the WT that will make the damages paid to the many molested children pale into insignificance.
People can only be lied to and treated with contempt for so long before their cry is bound to be upheld by the lawmakers in our society that are determined to see justice prevail!
If you are an active JW, then think seriously about where you stand on this, and many other issues. I could go on about concentration camp situations, but don't want to, for personal reasons...