I have just had a couple of hours talking to my Bro in Law and some of the time my sister (she had to go and do an errand for a half hour or so)
The other day my B.I.L gave me the "I hope one day your sons will come back to the truth" bilge. My sons are grown men with university educations so I don't think so.
But I used it as a springboard to say "I may be able to convince them there is a God (I don't believe I could do that, in truth) but then they will say to me ,"which church should we go to, which is God's organization ?"
So , how would you prove JW's are ? ( I asked for their direction on this) {I said "bear in mind every piece of evidence will be looked at by two analytical minds"]
They then went through the gamut of "proofs" and I showed them how the "boys" would treat each bit of their evidence, I even got them thinking about the 1919 FDS "appointment".
My Bro in law ended by saying he was happy with his choice and happy not to look closely at things like 1919 (happy in his ignorance and cognitive dissonance in reality)
So I said my boys would not be happy to choose the whole JW package without some proof that stands up to scrutiny.
I do not think though that much progress has been made with him, and less with my culty-dubby sister who spouts all the WT hogwash as though it is proven,when none of it stands up.
I think though I have planted some awkward little seeds, I certainly hope so, at least I hope I have shaken them from their arrogant view that they have the "truth" without question, they are now on the back foot.
So there is my Field Service Report 2hrs. and 2 RV's and F'all progress !