Growing up as a JW were you ever bullied bu worldy people for being a JW
by is there help out there 9 Replies latest jw friends
Called a "Communist" (late 50s-early60s) several times in school when not standing for the national anthem.
:I was never bullied by worldly people, but I was bullied by sanctimonious JWs all the time.
I wasn't bullied by worldly kids for being a JW. I was bullied by Jw's kids in the witnesses school I went to. I came home crying everyday in 5th and 6th grade.
Nathan Natas
I think sometimes I emit a kind of "Michael Meyers" vibe. I didn't get picked on very much, and when I did I turned the tables on my opponent, much to their surprise. I felt an obligation to protect the oppressed and didn't bully anyone myself. I think I would have enjoyed being a bit more actively combative. There have been times I knew I was being set up for a ruch, and I intentionally slowed down to make it easier for the bad guys to get at me. Some of the more perceptive of them would then 'lose interest,' but the ones who didn't were mine.
Yes, actually, we had neighbors up the way that screamed names at us and threw rocks. We tried to not walk home that way but bullies find you where ever you try to hide.
No, I was shy and didn't have a lot of friends until high school but I wasn't really picked on either. A few times when being a JW got me out of some class assignment the other kids were jealous and wanted to claim it was against their religion, too. I was only treated badly by JWs.
White Dove
It haunted me through grade school. A girl told me that they would stop if I would celebrate Christmas just once. I told her I couldn't because my parents would never let me do that, and that I wanted to but I just couldn't.
I was bullied by my non-jw father. Some kids at school tried to bully me to their detriment. I would say though that it was equal opportunity when it came to bullying. It had more to do with the person's personality than their religious persuasion. It's just that I was told that jws were an exceptional example of love.