Written in probably between 50-80 AD by the Apostle Paul or perhaps more correctly DICTATED by Paul and quite possibly, expanded on by his followers, Colossians gives us many interesting verses:
States that Jesus is the first born over all creation, all things in heaven, earth and under the earth were created through him, by him and for him.
That the fullness of God dwelt in Jesus and that Jesus reconciled all unto Him by his death on the cross.
and that God has reconciled us in Christ, holy, blemish free, free of accusation, as long as we continue in our faith.
In the second chapter the writer states that in Jesus all the fullness of THE deity ( God) LIVES in bodily form and that WE have been given fullness in Christ who is ( present tense) head and authority over all.
Now we come to a very interesting part in Colossians:
2: 16-23
Where the writer now states that NO ONE should judge by what one eats or drinks, or in regards to religious festivals, new moons, sabbaths, that no one desqualifies us from the prize because they worship angels and have false humility. Those people have loss connection with the head ( Christ).
Rules such as "do not eat, do not handle, do not touch" are based on human commands and teachings , that these things give the appeareance of wisdom, false humility and harsk treatment of the body.
These 2 chapters give us a interesting read into Christian life and the views of the 1st century and 1st and 2nd generation Christians.
An interesting contrast to WT teachings.