MY prayer
by Girlie 8 Replies latest jw friends
I Pray for Beer..
My Prayers are always Answered..
There is a BEER
Somewhere in the Universe!!..
When I pray I speak to my beloved heavenly father through his son Jesus Christ, there is no set formula, no saying of another persons words, no repeating of phrases without meaning, there is a conversation of Love between My Creator and I, through his beloved Son Jesus and in His Holy Spirit.
Sad emo
To the Father through the Son in the Spirit
Well, a lot of the time anyway, sometimes I pray for what I want rather than what's needed
But God is merciful
All law, no grace. Where's Jesus?
I pray to the Spaghetti Monster God. On average I would say my prayers are about as useful as the ones said to your gods, averaging out the same sort of results. Don't judge me, I'm needy and feel this is the only way I can train my rational mind to avoid the pitfalls of intelligent, well informed thinking.
May you have peace!
You ask "How do you pray?"
I would not ordinarily answer a question such as you've raised because of the personal implications it seems to be suggesting (i.e., what would be a personal prayer for me). But I am compelled by the Holy Spirit to respond now, for three (3) reasons: first, per the Spirit, you are sincere - you would truly like to know, not in order to ridicule but as a spiritual sharing. Second, per the Spirit, you are in error, not only in presenting your prayer, but in your understanding of the "value" of its content. Finally, per the Spirit, you are asking how we are to pray... literally... to our Heavenly Father.
Please forgive me - it is not my intent to judge you in any manner; rather, I am compelled by the Spirit to expound the truth of this matter to you more fully, if you will receive it. Hopefully, you will.
First, let's talk about the actual posting of your prayer. This, dear one, is an error. While it is entirely proper to post the pinings of your heart when you are rejoicing or in despair, an actual prayer, and in public, is something our Lord admonished us NOT to do... and it is one way we can tell that the WTBTS is not who it claims to be. For if they understood this, they wouldn't do it from the podium, stage, etc. Here, let me show you:
"You, however, when YOU pray... go into your private room, and after shutting the door, pray to your Father... who is in secret." Matthew 6:6
Why did he admonish us this? Because when folks pray out loud (or publicly, as here), their motive is NOT so that they are heard by God... but so that they are heard... by MEN. That is why our Lord said that the Pharisee began to pray "to himself." (Luke 18:11) The Most Holy One of Israel does not listen to public (i.e., openly uttered) prayers, dear one, but only to the private utterances of our heart, because such are between you... and Him... alone. In such case, He KNOWS you want to be heard by HIM... and not others who can do nothing FOR your prayers.
You have posted this prayer because of the... well, despair of your heart at being treated unfairly and unkindly. And it is quite understandable. Again, I have been there, as well. However, you have made it.... Before the wrong "audience."
Now, I know you and others are going to want to say that even our Lord prayed out loud, but that is not true. It is true that he GAVE THANKS out loud... which we all should do. (Matthew 15:36; 26:27; Mark 8:6; 14:23; Luke 22:17, 19; John 6:11, 23; 11:41). Openly and publicly, so that others can hear us acknowledging the True God and our gratitude to Him.
But prayer... is not the same thing as giving thanks. Thus, when our Lord prayed, with the exception of ONE occasion (when he was transfigured), he always... ALWAYS... separated himself, in at least one instance a "stone's throw away," from his disciples. He did not pray in front of them. (Matthew 14:23; 26:36-39; Mark 6:46, 47; 14:32-35; Luke 6:12; 9:18; 22:41)
Next, the content:
Please note, it is not my intent to criticize your feelings with regard to these verses or the "prayer" it sets forth, but only to proceed as the Spirit is directing me. And my understanding is that you don't quite understand what you are saying/asking for in such a prayer... but need to. First, dear one, the TRUTH is that this is a prayer that was uttered... not by David, but by our Lord, through David. David was merely the "instrument" our Lord used to put HIS (our Lord's) words down in writing.
Second, it is totally understandable that you would feel as these words express in your version; again, I have been there, as well, and I empathize with you, as I know how it feels to be "persecuted." Have heart, though, dear one, because such renders you "happy." (Matthew 5:10, 11)
The version you've used, however, is inaccurate and thus misleading and so doesn't quite tell the story because it gives the impression that judging is okay. It is not, as shown below:
Version Used by You
More Accurate Wording
62 At midnight I rise... to praise you for your upright judgments.
64 Your faithful love fills the earth, Yahweh, teach me your judgments.
66 Teach me judgment and knowledge, for I rely on your commandments.
71 It was good for me that I had to suffer, the better to learn your judgments.
62 At midnight I get up... to give thanks to you... for your upright decisions.
64 Your loyal love, O Jah, has filled the earth. Teach me your own (statutes, laws, decrees, regulations).
66 Teach me (discernment, good judgment, wisdom) and knowledge themselves, for in your commandments I have exercised faith.
71 It was good for me that I have been afflicted, in order that I may learn your (statutes, laws, decrees, regulations).
If you notice, I have been directed to more accurately state the word you've posted as "judgment." Why? Because we are NOT to judge... indeed, we are not to even like judging. Unfortunately, however, many "christian" religions (and particularly the WTBTS) use scriptures like these to justify their LOVE of judging... and being judged. But the verses in your version are inaccurate: they give the impression that Most Holy One of Israel, JAH of Armies likes judging (although the account of Solomon and the two women should show us otherwise)... that the Holy One of Israel, Christ, judges... and likes doing so... and that, because of this, we should judge... and like doing so, too. It gives the impression that "judgment" is something desirable.
The TRUTH, however, is (1) that although the Father does judge... He doesn't WANT to... doesn't want to HAVE to... and only does so when there is NO other alternative. That is because He is MERCIFUL. And (2) that although the Son is given power of judging... he doesn't judge. (John 3:17; 8:15; 12:47) Indeed, he turns judging back over to the Father for That One to do so. (1 Corinthians 15:24; Daniel 7:9, 10; Revelation 20:11, 12) That is because he, too, is merciful. And, thus, WE are not to judge... or even LIKE judging... although we may be given power of judging. Rather, like Christ, WE are to offer up prayers (as priests do)... even for our enemies.
If you would research the Hebrew words used for "judgment" here (and a good place to do that is "") you will see what I am speaking of.
I am now directed to address you sincerity, not of the content of your prayer, but of wanting to hear how others pray. I cannot answer for anyone here but myself and I am directed, by the Holy Spirit, to show you what IS "acceptable" prayer to the Most Holy One of Israel:
1. First, you cannot "enter" into and before the MOST Holy... unless you go THROUGH the Holy. So, it is not AFTER one has prayed that one is to say something like, "in the name of your Son, etc., etc., etc." Rather, one must either:
a. Go TO that One (Christ, the Greater Joseph) and request... from HIM... entry into and before the Most Holy One, our heavenly Father, JAH of Armies... OR
b. Let the Father know that such one IS coming "in the name or" or "through" that One... BEFORE one even attempts to enter... not AFTER one has (assumed he has) entered. Saying a prayer, and then saying "in Jesus name I/we pray" AFTER... is like breaking in and then saying, "Oh, yeah, by the way, so-and-so let me in." After you've left.
So... if one is going THROUGH Christ, one would say something like, "Lord JAHESHUA, please grant your servant entry before our Heavenly Father/the Most Holy One of Israel, " or "Lord JAHESHUA, please take this prayer/the saying of the heart of your servant before our Heavenly Father/the Most Holy One of Israel..." OR one can say something like, "Heavenly Father, it is through your Son... or "in the name of your son"... "that I am coming before you..." "that I approach your throne..." NOT that one came before Him... or approached.
The point is PROPER PROTOCOL. We would NEVER enter before an earthly head of state by just barging in. We would find out what the procedures are, the protocol... and enter with the UTMOST respect. How much more so should we do so when attempting to enter before the Sovereign of the Universe, Most Holy One of Israel?
2. What you ask for is critical: it should NEVER be something for oneself (unless one is truly desperate and the Most Holy One of Israel knows when that is)... until AFTER one has asked for things pertaining to the glory of the Most Holy One of Israel. Thus, Christ told us what to ask for:
a. May YOUR name be sanctified/cleansed of all reproach
b. May YOUR kingdom come/be established (which means, may all of your "holy ones" be gathered)
c. May YOUR will be done... as in heaven also upon the earth
Then, one can ask for something for oneself, starting with:
d. Thank you for giving/please give us our bread for the day (this is NOT physical food alone, but includes "manna" from heaven - John 6:35, 41, 48)
e. Forgive us for our sins, errors, debts, transgressions... against you and all others... AS we forgive those who sin, err, transgress against us and/or owe us debts (and this important because you are asking HIM to forgive YOU... AS you forgive others. So, if your forgiveness is "stingy," so His will be)
f. And do not let us be lead into any FURTHER temptation (for all have sinned)
g. But deliver us from the wicked one (who attempts to do such leading)
h. For the kingdom is YOURS... forever... to time indefinite.
Once you have taken all of THESE things into consideration, then you can ask for your personal desires. HOWEVER... asking for something for your physical body (i.e., food, clothing, shelter, etc.) is MOOT. Why? Because the Most Holy One of Israel already knows you need these things... and to what "measure." So, you should really be even worrying or asking about these things. What you should be worrying and asking about are the things Christ gave us... mentioned above.
Okay, so what about saying these same things "over and over" again? If they come from your heart, they won't come out the same way each time. They may not even come out in the same order. BUT... they are the ONLY things that are truly important.
After these things, it is okay to move on to ask for other things, including but not necessarily limited to:
1. Praying for relief from persecution or a (mental, physical, emotional, spiritual, financial, or other) tribulation, for oneself, a loved one, a neighbor, a stranger, and even an enemy...
2. Praying for God's blessing to be upon us, our children, a loved one, a neighbor, a stranger, and even an enemy, in the manner of either fruits of the Spirit... or even gifts of that Spirit, if such is appropriate...
3. Praying for understanding of a matter...
4. Praying for wisdom and discernment...
5. Praying to know what God's will is for us, individually or as part of a family or group...
6. Anything else that would either (1) glorify God and Christ, or manifest love toward God, Christ, ourselves, our family, our neighbor, a stranger, and even an enemy.
And that pretty much covers everything. You need to:
a. Approach through the proper Channel, Christ... or at least identify yourself as coming by means of him... BEFORE you enter before the Most Holy [One of Israel]...
b. Give the Most Holy One of Israel His "props" (i.e., ask for things which pertain to HIS glory and HIS will and HIS kingdom)...
c. Ask and thank Him for continually providing physical bread AND the manna from heaven...for you and yours...
d. Ask forgiveness - for your errors, and your childrens' if necessary (Job 1:5)
e. And ask that He rescue you from the Adversary... who IS waging war with the seed.
I hope this helps and I have shared it with you just as I have received it from our Lord, the Holy Spirit, JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH, the Holy One of Israel and Son and Christ of the MOST Holy One of Israel, JAH of Arnies.
May JAH bless... you and your entire household!
Your servant, as I am servant to all those of the Household of God, Israel, and those who go with... and a fellow (?) slave of Christ,
Wow! it sure takes alot of words to explain prayer.
I like Outlaws prayer.
"Lord, thank you for the beer"
Past the lips and through the gums, look out tummy, here it comes!!!
I could work on a prayer for jalapenos if you'd like. It involves ice cream.
Out at Last!
If you are still a JW, you pray to a bunch of old men who run a book publishing company.