called ardi,she is a ardipithecus.
4.4 million hominid skeleton found in ethiopia
by badboy 8 Replies latest jw friends
carbon dating is not reliable. The only way to calibrate the machine or system is to guess how
old something else is to compare it to.
When mount st Helens erupted they were finding things, carbon dating them, that were thousands of years old that were only
10, 20 years old.
I'm not saying the earths not old.
But there is no way to know except faith.
Evolution takes as much faith and belief as creation.
When you boil it down. Thats all we have is faith and belief.
"How do they know how old it is?"
Ardipithecus ramadi fossils recently reported are all from a single three meter thick sedimentary deposit that is sandwiched between two volcanic ash, or tuff, layers. The bottom layer is the Gàala("Camel") Tuff Complex (GATC) which has a 40 Ar/ 39 Ar age of4.419 ± 0.068 Ma. The capping strata is the Daam Aatu ("Baboon") BasalticTuff (DABT), which has a 40 Ar/ 39 Ar age of 4.416 ± 0.031Ma. The maximum age range known so far for these fossils is within 40,000 years. Argon dating is a radiometric method that measures the accumulation of argon 39 produced by the radioactive decay of argon 40. Since the tuff was fully melted releasing its gasses, there is no question of residual argon to complicate the dates.
And the follow-up question is, "How do they know that radiometric dating works?"
We know this because electric lights work. We know this because any change in the universal physical constants great enough to affect dating results would necessarily have caused the earth to have recently melted, and penetrated with so much radiation that it would glow. We know this because radiometric dates agree with simple counting of annual events that accumulate in lakes, glaciers, and the ocean bottom. Radiometric dates also match with yearly events like tree rings.
Jaguar Bass you are wrong. The very fact that you mention carbon dating proves that you know absolutely nothing about it.
Considering carbon dating can only be used to date items up to a maximum 60,000 years old, how do you suggest the team of scientists working on this find came up with the 4.4 million year date?
How many of the Evangelicals and Fundamentalists here hold to the literal 6/24 creation days in Genesis.
Evolution takes as much faith and belief as creation.
No, understanding evolution simply takes education, which sadly you lack. Your mimicking of erroneous creationist catch phrases says it all.
jaguarbas, I think mankind has a awful lot more then faith