In the past decade...

by JimmyPage 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • JimmyPage

    ... I furthered my education and embarked on a career.

    ... I bought my own home computer for the first time.

    ... I got to play and record a lot of my own music.

    ... I dated around a lot.

    ... I travelled to a few foreign countries.

    ... I got married.

    ... I had a kid.

    ... I learned the truth about "The Truth".

    A lot can happen in ten years. What changes have you gone through since 2000?

  • OnTheWayOut

    In 2000, I started a new career and am still at it, happier than ever that I thought I needed a career instead of a job after the 1995 change in the generation.

    Since 2000, I bought a home and ended renting.

    I learned to love travel just for vacation.

    I learned the truth about "the truth."

  • JimmyPage

    I'm glad I wasn't alone about the 95 generation change. Though admittedly I was burned out before 95.

  • bluecanary

    I think too many of us have gone through a lot of heartache with the b0rg in the last ten years to be enthusiastic about this thread. Maybe those of us who just woke up will have a laundry list of things to celebrate ten years from now. I'll tell you what's gone right for me in the past year since I left the b0rg:

    I moved to a new city far away from my ex and his insane family

    I got great experience in a new field of work (though it ended sadly)

    I found a wonderful boyfriend whom I will probably be with for a very long time

    I decided to go to school full time for a career path that is in tune with MY life goals rather than worrying about what fits with the stupid cult

    I decided I want to raise a family and am working on plans to do so, a goal I was denied in the cult

    I feel more comfortable in my own skin and confident with my life choices than ever before

  • palmtree67

    A year and a half ago, I left an abusive husband, and abusive family and an abusive congregation with nothing but my truck and what I could fit in it and $800 in an envelope. My ex later stole the truck.

    Today, I am with a wonderful man who takes great care of me, I have a job in a field I had no experience in but it was handed to me on a silver platter and I make more/year than my ex. I bought a brand new truck in January, I'm going on my first train trip next week and a flamenco show in two weeks.

    My kids talk to me every day.

    I'm happy. And it didn't take as long as I thought it would.

  • mrsjones5

    Had two kids (2000 & 2003), moved my family from Cali to Indiana (2002) then back to Cali (2009), bought a house (2003), lost the house (2009), hubby got sick (2006 - present). In between all that life happened.

  • AllTimeJeff

    Oh what, are you kidding? LOL!

    In that past decade, I walked the plank 3 times, andI am still alive.

    I learned I literally almost gave my life more then a few times to a cult, and survived.

    I learned I can blow up multiple bridges at the same time, and I can walk away. Not unscathed, but those assholes didn't kill me!

    In the past decade, I learned that love means never having to say you're sorry. And I am not.

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