I think too many of us have gone through a lot of heartache with the b0rg in the last ten years to be enthusiastic about this thread. Maybe those of us who just woke up will have a laundry list of things to celebrate ten years from now. I'll tell you what's gone right for me in the past year since I left the b0rg:
I moved to a new city far away from my ex and his insane family
I got great experience in a new field of work (though it ended sadly)
I found a wonderful boyfriend whom I will probably be with for a very long time
I decided to go to school full time for a career path that is in tune with MY life goals rather than worrying about what fits with the stupid cult
I decided I want to raise a family and am working on plans to do so, a goal I was denied in the cult
I feel more comfortable in my own skin and confident with my life choices than ever before