ive had doubts for years had my mind opened and over the past year have decided enough is enough. sick of the lies and double standards No longer believing in what ive been told cant even step into a kingdumb hall i just feel like screaming ive decided to d/a, best decision ive ever made a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders no more pretending to others finally free. The announcement is being made this week. Whats making me nervous is a telephone call I had from a sis, told her what I was doing and she immediately dropped the phone like a hot potato went on about how we wouldn't be able to talk bla bla bla. I am convinced that my decision is right took me a while reaching this point. I just cant understand the mentality of these people. One bro showed a distinct hatred for me when I told him. The shunning begins
help friends urgently needed
by yellow 5 Replies latest jw friends
Hi yellow. Welcome to our little corner of the web. You will find friends and support here. You need to make a network of friends IRL, too. Do you have any non-JW friends now? You can find friends at work, at a church (a nondemoninational one, like the Universal Unitarians can be a good place to start), taking a class, joining a hobby group and/or doing volunteer work. Good luck to you.
thanks for the advice bluecanary my family are all non jws, very supportive im actively involved with a volunteer group and broadening my horizons, there is a local church i hope to attend soon, its just the shunning I dont like ive not done anything wrong I hate it even when I was in, former so called friends etc pulling faces and looking at you as if you were the spawn of Satan been through it before as I was d/f years ago so I know what to expect. Ive been lurking on this site and its given me loads of support (thanks you guys) I only hope that I can be able to help others through the experiences ive had being in the borg.
I am sorry, I know you expected it but it still stings when it happens!
Sounds as if you are already set for your leaving.
Keep us posted on your feelings through this transition, things you discover and mountains you climb! Don't alow yourself to stumble into self-destructive patterns and just keep putting on foot in front of the other soon enough it will be as if was all so long long ago in a land of great distance!
It'll be over soon. The gossip mill will have word of your evil deeds spread all over by now. Forget 'em and move on.