Hi Posters
I am looking to collect an official document on Jehovah's Witness World Records.
Here goes some for the UK
Youngest baptism 9 Years oldYoungest Servant 17 yearsYoungest elder 25 years (was minimus appointed at 24?)Youngest CO 29ish (he was a friend and quite cool and black in a white country)YOungest DO 32 ish (mts grad in Africa)Shortest marriage 7 hrs. She was an experienced worldly girl and he was not. She left him b4 the 1st night ended.Biggest marriage age gap About 30 years. He was a CO so it was ok I guess.Richest JW ???????????
Most famous ?????????????
Cleverest JW One I met was a Brain SurgeonCutest witness Geri Haniwell
Please submit more records at your pleasure.
Official Jehovah's Witness Records
by wouldacouldashoulda 9 Replies latest jw friends
Biggest marriage age gap About 30 years. He was a CO so it was ok I guess
Back in the late 80's there was an elder in our area who at the age of 68 married a 28 year old. By the time he was 73, they had 3 children.
Here are some other categories that I think are far, far more interesting:
Most gullible member? This is a tough one with millions of potential winners. Winner will have the fewest active brain cells. Again, lots of dim competition for this one.
Most persistent door-knocker? Candidates are very limited; they come from a dying breed from the same age cohort; namely 80 plus
Most persistent avoider of door-to-door preaching? By contrast, candidates are virtually numberless, crowding out the gorwing number of inactive JWs. Far too much competition.
Most dedicated JW? This is an elusive one. In private and out of the watchful eye of others, there are practically nil candidates; but if a JW thinks he or she is being observed, all of sudden they become the most dedicated JW imaginable. Lots and lots and lots of competition for this one.
Most hypocritical JW? Drawn from a pool of millions of JWs who furtively buy their children or grandchildren birthday presents.
Most frequently disfellowshipped JW? (i.e., kicked out, go back, get reinstated, get kicked out again etc)? Stiff competition from the younger generation who cannot make up their minds about whether to stay or go
Most frequently spanked child for making noise during meetings? This ones up for grabs. Only multiply bruised children can apply for this one.
Most badly treated ex-JW? Sadly, also lots of competition for this one.
Quickest exit from the organization (i.e., from start of judicial inquiry through to official announcement) Any takers?
Well, I heard that an elder was appointed at age of 20 in Philadelphia in the late 1990's, He was appointed MS at the age of 18. JW that I know of knows him personally.
The richest and most famous JW was Micheal Jackson. Now that he's dead its most likely "Prince" or it could be the Serena and Venus Williams sisters.
Youngest baptism 9 Years old
You've got to be kidding! Who? When? Where?
Statements like that really do need backing up.
I know one who was baptised aged 9 too.
What about "The most noiseless door knocker"? I would be a candidate for that one.
I know of ones baptised as young as 8! I know them personally even. But I'm not in the UK. Geri Halliwell left the witnesses as a teen I believe and from what I've read her quoting, she says her mum left when Geri became famous. She was stumbled or something. I read this only the other day actually.
Jonathan Smith was 25 when he was appointed as CO. I met him when he was 30 when he was in my circuit. He is originally from South Dakota.