memorial campaing experience

by antes8080 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • antes8080

    so a friend from work had a get togather to watch NCAA basketball this pass weekend and i went on saturday morning as we wer watching the game some one rings the doorbell and my friend gos to the door he is there maybe a minute or so, he walks back into the room and screams outloud !!! "yes i got invited" and starts laughing as other see what he was talking about

    someone sais " i hate those door knockers"

    another reply " there so annoying pushing there dumb pamphlet"

    Friend " they interrupted me watching the game"

    he crumbles the invite as we were watching baskeball shoots to the trash.

    I have never been on the other side of the door like these it was eye opening to see how irrelevant the dubies are and what people think of them.

    and to think that the sisters that knock on the door gave a invitation is going to mark it as placement when the placement whent straight to the trash.

  • Watchtower-Free
  • cappytan
    Memorial invitations aren't marked as placements, but I get what you're saying.
  • OneEyedJoe
    Memorial invitations aren't marked as placements, but I get what you're saying.

    They're now counting them as "tracts" placed, so people can feel like they're accomplishing something.

    So what you're saying is, the leaflet didn't go to a prominent place on the dining room table for all in the family to look over and consider? I'm shocked! Shocked I tell you!

  • cappytan
    They're now counting them as "tracts" placed, so people can feel like they're accomplishing something.

    There's a place to mark "tracts" on the time slip? Shows how long it's been since I turned in an actual slip instead of texting some BS hours.

  • antes8080
    @cappytan they started counting them since last year memorial.
  • OneEyedJoe
    There's a place to mark "tracts" on the time slip? Show's how long it's been since I turned in an actual slip instead of texting some BS hours.

    I think so (I haven't filled out a timeslip in ages either) but I remember around last memorial season they read a letter telling us to report tracts as brochures until they could get a new time slip form created. I'm sure they've got the new ones out by now.

    They probably realized if they're going to spend 3-4 months a year on "special campaigns" like this crap, they need to make the stat-oriented JWs feel like they're accomplishing something.

  • freemindfade

    I remember there not being a spot but rather having them record it on the back or something for their cam-pain-in-the-ass.

    I could ask my wife lol.

  • ToesUp
    We were in a public park the other day. We were enjoying the sunny, beautiful day and my husband went to use the restroom. He came out of the restroom with an invitation. We saw a car load of JW's on a beautiful sunny weekend driving around aimlessly, looking for a place to unload one of their invitations. We had a outsider looking in kind of experience. We must have looked foolish too, when we participated in Field Serve Us. Yikes!!!
  • out4good4

    I was wondering why my wife is always making it a point to give me a personal invitation to that if I didn't see that stack of litter-ature lying on the bar.

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