I've not been to a meeting in quite some time, but occassionally I talk to this Witness couple in the area and ask if I have missed anything good lately. On a recent visit with them I was told this story.
For some months now a semi retarded fellow has been attending the meetings at the Hell, and as many of us know, a couple of weeks ago at the Constipated Bible Study the subject was masturbation. This new meeting attender, who often incorporates space travel, UFO's, and Star Trek into his comments was present, but was exceptionally wired. They came to a aprt during the meeting where the spirit moved him to speak, so he raised his hand. The brother calls on him. In his stumbling, stuttering, and stammering manner he says "Well, uh...masturbations a bad thing, and it can become a really nasty habit. We wouldnt want to do that to ourselves. We'd only want to do it to other people." As they were attempting to take the microphone away, thinking that his deeply insightful comment was over, he pulled it back to himself and finishes off with "I mean, we should only do it to women."
I told that couple that if I could go back for one meeting and one meeting only, it would most certainly be that one.