Bulgaria Church Organizes Anti-Jehovah's Witnesses March

by Bangalore 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • Bangalore

    Bulgaria Church Organizes Anti-Jehovah's Witnesses March.



  • wantstoleave

    Yikes. One more step towards banning the religion? Lots is happening lately on the news regards witnesses, what with Russia too. Isn't that what Jw's are told, that religion will be banned and then things really start happening with the tribulation? Someone help me out here...

  • teel

    wantstoleave you sort of have that upside down: JWs hold that the other religions will be banned, not theirs, and after a bit Gog will turn his head to the small crowd enjoying spiritual paradise, and will go out full force against them, but he will not succeed, because the great tribulation will stop him. So no, this march will only be interpreted as the regular "Jesus' followers will be persecuted".

  • wantstoleave

    Ah ok thanks Teel. Wonder why I always thought witnesses would be included in that banning? ~scratches head~

  • teel

    I'm not sure of the exact wording of that teaching, I think it does allow all religions to be banned including JWs - it is after all only a matter of legislation -, but JWs will continue worshipping their God, and noone else will do. I'll look it up in Revelations book, brb.

    Edit: the Revelations only talk about the fall of Babylon the Great. The thing about JWs being in safety when the religion is banned is taken from Ezechiel 38. When Gog attacks God's land, it's said in verse 8 and 11 that the inhabitants live in peace, noone bothers them. From these it's clear (according to their interpretation) that JWs should be persecuted much less than the rest of the religion.

    8 After many days you will be called to arms. In future years you will invade a land that has recovered from war, whose people were gathered from many nations to the mountains of Israel, which had long been desolate. They had been brought out from the nations, and now all of them live in safety.
    11 You will say, "I will invade a land of unwalled villages; I will attack a peaceful and unsuspecting people—all of them living without walls and without gates and bars. (NIV)
  • WTWizard

    This was how it was supposed to have happened:

    1--The nations will declare peace and security. Note that the witlesses often skip this step when things are going lousy (terror attacks, the economic depression, Codex Alimentarius passed in the shadows of this "Swine Flu" scam, the Swine Flu scam itself, and the like) so they can make it look like the tribulation is imminent. Yet they highlight it whenever things are going better.

    2--All religion will be banned. The other religions will be easy to eradicate, because of their supposed political involvement.

    3--The witlesses will refuse to quit practicing their beliefs, and the governments will notice this. This will result in massive crackdowns on religion, and of course since the witlesses will refuse to stop, the government is going to come down hard on them. This is independent on any One World Totalitarian Government, since this crackdown is totally new.

    4--Jehovah God is going to step in, preventing the governments from killing off the witlesses. Jehovah is going to then destroy the governments, and anyone that is not a witless. This is Armageddon, Washtowel style--and is depicted in children's books with graphic violence. Notably, anyone that Jehovah does not think is trying hard enough will also get destroyed, as will anyone who is simply minding their own business.

    There is a catch. They have been saying this was going to happen for 135 years now, and nothing has happened despite numerous predictions of when the Tribulation was coming.

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