Stories of Hope. Can you find a true story off the web, or from personal experience, that really moved you in some way, helped you to feel uplifted and inspired by?
Perhaps you could find one from off the net and either share it here or post the web addresses for others to be able to share in the story and possibly learn from the experiences shared.
Exhaling the old year, regenerating positiveness for the new year ahead.
I heard that OJ Simpson is living in Florida and doesn't have to pay a red cent to settle with the court decision. There is a law against seizure of property in Florida!
If there is hope for murderers, there is hope for you!
okay, not funny I know
not that I really believe 100 % that he did it. the fact that one glove is ditched at the scene and the other dropped right behind his house seems absurd. too convenient.
any how, he is still a real bastard in many respects.
"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing." Edmund Burke