If you have never listened in to the Six Screens conference call you don't want to miss Saturday night Oct. 10,2009 7p.m.EST. Just when you thought you heard it all, along comes more evil that the Watchtower org. is hiding behind. Donna Ryder, former J.W. Bethelite who once worked with the legal department of the Watchtower org. and was married to Watchtower lawyer, Daniel Pole, is now stepping forward and telling her story on how she was involved in removing children from hospitals so they couldn't have life saving blood transfusions. She has much to say on how dangerous the organization is. http://www.nationalpost.com/news/story.html?id=2041666 Also, former Witness David Villa, author of the book "Bloodflowers" a fictional account about a J.W. with hemophilia will be on the call. David's book deals with the most controversial practices by Jehovah's Witnesses, the ban on all types of blood transfusions-even if they are meant to save a life. David is an articulate young man who will expose the double life of young Jehovah's Witnesses. Moderator, Rick Fearon, will give his "spin" on the annual meeting. It's easy to get on the call, just dial (712)432-8710 and when asked for pin number use 9925. There is no charge for the call, just your normal calling rates apply. The lines open at 6:30 EST for the pre-conference program and the program begins at 7 p.m.EST. So come in early and talk with all those who have beentouched by the tentacles of the Watchtower".
A must hear conference call...Wt. legal department exposed!
by koolaid-man 8 Replies latest jw friends
Rick, I aologize for making an off-topic comment here...but wanted to let you know I listened to your JC and appeal and was very impressed. Although at that point you still may have had some sort of beleif in the org, you bravely stood up and exposed the truth about the org on several issues. I admire your courage. Of course, even though you were "90% correct" as one elder put it, truth didn't matter. Thanks, for making that available to listen to.
It would be good if more people would record their JC hearings. click link to hear what went on in my hearing http://www.sixscreensofthewatchtower.com/5flyonthewall.html
I hope those witlesses end up getting in big Trouble. It's one thing if an adult volitionally refuses a blood transfusion. However, taking children out of the hospital just so they will not get a needed blood transfusion is atrocious, and this is worse since it is done in the name of religion. We are not talking taking children out of hospitals so they will not get psychiatric drugs that will ruin their brains and their livers (and do nothing else)--we are talking children being prevented from getting needed blood!
Marking as well
If you can't participate on tonight's telephone conference via your own phone,
we are again hosting this conference call on Paltalk.
You can download & use Paltalk basic for FREE.
Go to http://www.paltalk.com/
Click "Download for Free" follow installation directions.
NOTE: I recommend using a separate hotmail / gmail account for Paltalk registration,
not your regular E-mail account, I have been getting reports of a volume Spam coming
through Paltalk.
The room name for the conference call is:
Six Screens Of The WatchtowerIt is found under:
" Religion and Spirituality " subsection "Christianity" -
So it will be on paltalk @ 7?
Nathan Natas
Rick, I very much enjoy listening to the calls after they've been posted on your website. If I recall correctly, the files used to be downloadable, but it seems they are not downloadable anymore. What I have been doing is setting up the computer to capture the streaming audio during the night and then I listen to it in bits as time permits. It would be great if MP3 downloads were made available again.
I'm also wondering about the status of the couple of audio files that are not accessable right now - have you been able to iron out whatever issue caused them to be locked?
You do a difficult and demanding job with verve and panache, providing a valuable resource to the XJW and soon-to-be XJW communities.
You are a gracious host and a skilled MC.
Well done, and keep it up!