Right now, I'm pretty disgusted. A person really close to me is a victim of some pretty malicious gossip from his old hall. He's very sincere as far as the "truth" goes And I know he never would hurt anyone intentionally. But, he knows from two different sources another brother from his old hall is really bad mouthing him. I think it stems from the fact he wasn't invited to his wedding. But, you know, you can't invite everyone. But, anyway, I just feel bad and protective of him. I know more people are involved and bringing up a matter that was handled in the past that has nothing to do with them. And my friend said he's trying not to let it get him down. But, at first it made him feel hollow, and get this "empty inside". I never would tell him I come to this site, or what my screen name is, go figure. But, I've now come to the conclusion that it's the one's still in that discourage and nitpick at others. That make them so downhearted that they want to give up and ask, just what is the point really. I think all the gossipers and slanderers still in the "truth" do a much better job of getting people to leave then the "so-called apostates". I think I"m more upset about it then my friend is, and I'm trying not to think about it too much. Because I have confidence in these ones being exposed for the small minded hypocrites they are. Thanks I needed to vent. I'm getting a bit too comfortable here, I think.
by EmptyInside 2 Replies latest jw friends
I was the victim of gossip as well. It wasn't enough to make me leave, just made me miserable. I still hate the bastards responsible.
I have heard my share of slander in the Kingdumb Hell. One former elder (perhaps the only one that I cared a rat's a** about) got a public reproof for crap that he did not do (he was, in fact, the victim). So, a few months later, I start hearing gossip that he was in fact disfellowshipped (that was not the case--I was there when it was announced). Turns out, even that reproof had to be taken back because it was the effect of the hounders' ganging up on him.
Funny thing, it seems that fundamentalist "Christians" are the worst when it comes to slander. I noticed the same thing at work, when a group of fundamentalist Christians ganged up on one of their fellow cashiers (who was much closer to atheist than any of those "Christians". And, after they drove out that cashier, they started spreading even worse slander (to ruin the poor thing's life). Now, I don't think any atheists, mainstream Catholics, or Devil worshipers were in on this incident--just fundamentalist Christians. This incident has underscored my already deep hatred for religion, especially religion that claims to follow what is in the Bible like those fundamentalist "Christians".
Seems that this is further proof that Jehovah's Witlesses are just another fundamentalist "Christian(??)" denomination in name. Also, this makes me wonder if it is better to be a kind-hearted atheist or a kind-hearted Devil worshiper than a fundamentalist "Christian" that claims to strictly abide by the Bible and practices ruining of others' lives.