I'm curious to know whether the JWs believe as the Mormons do that only a certain number of people get to go to heaven or find salvation. Thanks for your response.
Do only a certain number of people find salvation?
by rptrchic 8 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I don't know who gets saved, but only you burn in hell
Read up on some of the recent posts... see Erich's argument that JW's don't think all will be destroyed. Someone, I forget who, said that while there are 'progressive' JWs, there is a 'party line' philosophy that yes, all non JWs will be cut-off at Armageddon.
"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing." Edmund Burke
Official teaching is that all that are not obedient to the JW message after 1918 will be destroyed. At the same time they keep Russell's idea that 20 billion people or so (all that lived before the gathering of the 'great crowd began' - Matthew 25:31-46 / Revelations 7, cant remember the verse) will be resurrected to a 2nd chance or first real chance in the millenium reign.
The above are not my beliefs.
If memory serves me right, there are three end times scenerios;
1. One third will be brought through the fire (2+ billion)
2. One tenth left remaining in the land. (600 million)
3. Total and complete death of every living thing on the planet.The last one is Mal. 4:6 (read a few different translations.)
This is a question for the governing house at bethel to answer, since they communicate with Jehovah himself to write his words in the watchtower and awake mag's, and for this new light syndrome.
Part of your question hasn't been answered... about the number going to heaven. The JW's quote Revelation chapters 7 and 14 literally, and say that 144,000 are selected to rule in heaven with Christ. Those of the "other sheep" class are the ruled ones, who have the hope of everlasting life in an earthly paradise. This number is not determined, but only a small number are said to make it through this world's end, and then all the billions who lived before get their second chance to learn about God and join those living forever on earth. Hope this helps.
GopherWhy shouldn't truth be stranger than fiction? Fiction, after all, has to make sense.
Mark Twain (1835-1910) -
Some would say that they have already "found salvation". It seems you have used a term that means different things to different people? Are you speaking of an ontological phenomena or to something else?
carmel of the ontogony class
It is policy that only witnesses will survive the GT. So, non JW believers will not survive but will "return to the dust." The gray area include individuals who die before the "beginning" of the GT. These may or may not be resurrected depending upon who you ask. I remember last summer's convention where they made a strong point that as we get closer to the time of the end, people will not be resurrected. So, die soon, or keep turning in your time.
From the sound of your question you are not a jw or exjw?
Gopher is right- they interpret Rev 7&14 to mean that 144,000 of their extremly faithful will go to heaven and 'a great multitude' will go to a paradise earth. Both these groups to them are Jehovah's Witness only. They do not believe in an immediate heaven or hell after death but that people go into nonexistance until God remakes you from his memory after armageddon and judge you from there- The good to either earth or heaven and the bad get annihilated into nonexistence again.
The "multitude" is the average JW and is subject to the rule of the 144,000 sprecial JWs even on earth- they have to go through the 144,000 as their mediator to God instead of Christ.Never mind that the 144000 are said to be jewish not JW and that Rev.7:9 says that the great multitude is before God's throne too, not on earth. Just another inconsistency though, I guess.