I had the "Grail" in my hands!

by lepermessiah 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • lepermessiah

    I went to the local library last night with my wife.

    I am trying to follow the advice here and be very discreet with my fade. As she browsed over to the Fiction section, I ran over to the religious section.

    I am in the middle of reading Crisis of Conscience on PDF right now, and sure enough our local library has "In Search of Christian Freedom" in the catalog. I read about 5 minutes worth and now I CANT WAIT to read it. As my wife started to venture my way, I bolted back to the history section and found a book on Assyrian History - Yep, there it was 587 BCE....didnt dare bring that up!

    COC is wonderful in itself, its nice showing what a Soviet-style Cult-Of-Personality farce the organization is, but it looks like Ray really takes the gloves off in "In Search Of" and hammers them about the BS doctrines and the dogmatic stance of Big Brother.

    I was not yet 10 years old, but I vividly remember the events of 1980 and ALWAYS had questions about them, even at that young age. I might have been a young kid, but I know a witch hunt when i see one!

    Ray is answering them one by one

  • Hopscotch

    lepermessiah - glad you're reading Ray's books. It's funny my husband and I got copies of them from the library last year, but we made sure it was a library 50 miles from where we live. There are witnesses who work in our local libraries and one of them is a sister from our last cong.

    All the best


  • Out at Last!
    Out at Last!

    I have finished CoC and both books by S. Hassan. Have started on In Search of Christian freedom, but have been very busy with school & other things. I hope to get back to it very soon. All are exceptional books that show how easy it is to fall under control of a cult, especially Hassan's books. He has been there and knows all the angles. I would encourage you to read both by Franz and Hassan.

  • Farkel


    :but it looks like Ray really takes the gloves off in "In Search Of" and hammers them about the BS doctrines and the dogmatic stance of Big Brother.

    Of course, Ive read both books several times. I favor ISOCF because it demolishes WT doctrines in such a manner that they cannot defend the arguments. COC is excellent, too but for me was not as powerful as ISOCF. COC is more about WT corruption. ISOCF is more about WT practices and DOCRTINE.

    Mind you, I was OUT of the WT 7 years before Ray was and before Ray even started to write a book, so my perspective is from a genuine outsider when I read them both. I read them both in the late 1990's, by the way.


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