OM Book on-line?

by Thirdson 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • Thirdson

    A question: Does anyone know if the OM book (Organized to Accomplish Our Ministry) is available on line. I am particularly interested in the 80 questions and anything to do with elder MS qualifications. I lost mine several years ago when I stripped down my library to a small number of books and the CD-ROM.

    I'd be willing to buy a hard copy and cover the shipping costs if anyone has a spare.



  • GinnyTosken


    I have not seen the OM book online.

    You can buy a hard copy at Randy Watters' site:

    I'd be glad to scan a few pages from my copy if you're eager to get on with your research.


  • jeffory


    My wife and I were just cleaning out our " Theocratic library"
    and along with the OM book were the additional questions sent out after the book was published. One question was, get this, ,,Why would it be the loving thing to do for you (as a baptisimal candidate} to inform the presiding overtseer if you had a communicable disease.

    Of course we all know it would be kept in strict confidence.

  • Scully

    jeffory writes:

    One question was, get this, ,,Why would it be the loving thing to do for you (as a baptisimal candidate} to inform the presiding overtseer if you had a communicable disease.

    1- so he can give his daughters a "good reason" to stay the hell away from you

    2- so he has some really good dirt with which to blackmail you at a later date, when you want to discuss an accusation of pedophila or wife/child beating or tax evasion that's been made against him

    3- so you can walk into a room of people who are whispering and chuckling, and suddenly have them fall utterly silent when they notice you standing there

    sounds real loving to me!

    Love, Scully

    It is not persecution for an informed person to expose a certain religion as being false. - WT 11/15/63

  • Thirdson


    Thanks for the tip. I'll check out Randy's site and try and get one from there. I need to send Randy something any how in the way of some material support.


    I don't remember the additional questions. When did this addendum come out? Any chance you could scan the additional questions for me?


    The fourth answer, so they can baptize you at the end of 12 foot barge-pole.


  • Scully

    Thirdson writes:

    so they can baptize you at the end of 12 foot barge-pole.

    hmmmmm I hadn't thought of that.... good point though... WHO would get the "assignment" of giving the Big Dunk to someone with a "communicable disease" (I wonder if they're including chicken pox and mumps in that list too...)??? or if the WTS would supply the latex body condom for the baptismal candidate?? or if they'd make a concession and just wet them down with a fire hose?? would make sense to ensure that these candidates went to the back of the line too, don't you think?? or maybe they could just have a separate bathtub sized tank for them, which could be emptied after each use??

    oh the meanderings of a brain as sleep deprived as mine!!

    Love, Scully

    It is not persecution for an informed person to expose a certain religion as being false. - WT 11/15/63

  • mike047

    Thirdson; If you have not already acquired th OM book, I have a recent copy that I will gladly send you. Just e-me your address.

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