I'm Right your Wrong

by Luo bou to 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • Luo bou to
    Luo bou to

    When I was a JW my sense of security depended on being right, having all the answers, and I would feel threatened when I was finding it difficult to defend them. I would then comfort myself with the thought "that even if it is wrong it is still a good way to live".

    So why this post? We should no longer need to prove another persons worldview is wrong in order to feel secure about our own. What do you think?

  • Bangalore

    I agree.


  • oompa

    i totally agree with your conclusion......i think it is out of frustration to help others see that their worldview may be out of focus.....but what does it really matter to them......esp if they are happy with it?..........i think we have have some hangups about wanting to be right still............oompa

  • Luo bou to
    Luo bou to

    ..i think we have have some hangups about wanting to be right still............oompa

    Could this be the reason why some posters get personal and attack the character of those that disagree with them?

    PS oompa I admire you for having the courage to admit you had a problem re: the booze

  • wobble

    I am in the position of not caring overly much about someones views,unless they are harmful to others, like racism for example, or the WT's blood policy.

    I am never concerned with proving myself right, my views are in a constant state of flux, but I will expose error in others thinking for the above reason, and the down-right arrogance of JW's who feel they have the truth and no one else does, gets UP MY NOSE ! I have to prick their bubble sometimes.

    But someone can hold views opposed to mine, which have a valid intellectual position, atheism for example, and I am more than happy to not challenge them. ( I am not qualified to challenge atheism)

    I think you are right though Lou bou to, many still have to feel they are right, I am glad I do not because when the Dubs resort to an Ad Hominem attack I can say "What I believe, is not relevant, it is you that claims to belong to God's organization"



  • AllTimeJeff

    I think you are correct.

    It's important to realize that universal agreement on things related to "spirituality" is not only impossible, but undesireable.

    However, many who leave JW's, esp early on, need to work this out. I think respectful debates on the matter, where you argue your position against another, helps the debaters more then anything.

    I know in arguing for what I thought was "right" in debates, it actually helped me to think more on these matters....

    Being right is personal. If being right means others are wrong, then I believe your life will not be a happy one...

  • OnTheWayOut

    I love this topic. I had a thread similar not so long ago (http://www.jehovahs-witness.net/jw/friends/182289/1/I-Dont-Have-to-Be-RIGHT-Anymore).

    JW's are all about being "right" and not about being "righteous" or open-minded. It's a wonderful revelation to realize that you don't have to know all the answers and don't have to prove your beliefs.

  • Luo bou to
    Luo bou to

    Unfortunately Wobble everyone else realizes the bubble has been pricked except the Witness. I admire and share your passion, though I often feel like Don Quixote jousting with windmills. trying to right the unrightable wrong, dreaming the impossible dream.

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