Oompa said in another thread, "so non-dubs should grieve less over their dead,"- I have heard this before from jw's or ex jw's. To me it seems that jw's and often some ex jw's have a skewed view of non jw's view of death, hereafter and the grieving process. Certainly we all have heard at one time or another when someone who was suffering terribly died that it was a 'blessing' when they finally passed on, the family still grieves nonetheless. Often for the Christian in grief it is a mixed feeling, one of joy for the deceased that they no longer suffer and have gone to be with the Lord, and one of intense grief because they will miss the daily interaction and wisdom of the person.
In the case of an unexpected death due to accident for example the grieving process may take longer yet because there was no time for goodbyes, no time to prepare for the loss.
In reading many stories of jw funerals and deaths I can only conclude that they do not really grieve in the normal sense or as non jw's do. Often I have read stories where it appears they allow one day of crying and sadness and after that you are supposed to go on as if all is well. I have even read where the family members were expected to be out in fs the next day after a death! The fact they don't allow a person to go through the grieving process should speak volumes about it being a cult, aside from that I can't imagine all the psychological trauma at not being allowed to grieve at your own pace. Grief serves a purpose, if jw's believe God wrote things upon our hearts yet do not allow what apparently God put there are they following God? or do they think perhaps satan invented grief?