Is there a difference in the announcement when one is Disfellowshipped or Disassociated? It is the same?
QE is no longer a JW.
QE has been DF'd from the Christain Congregation.
by QuestioningEverything 9 Replies latest jw friends
Is there a difference in the announcement when one is Disfellowshipped or Disassociated? It is the same?
QE is no longer a JW.
QE has been DF'd from the Christain Congregation.
QE is no longer one of Jehovah's Witnesses...its done the same for both now.
What Iron Hill said.
edited to add: That way even if someone DA's for purely doctrinal/policy reasons, the average JW will probably think they were DFed for doing something naughty.
Iron Hill has it right. It is First and Last Name, no "brother" or "sister" and nothing further.
Just one kind of announcement to cover both d/a and d/f cases
"XXXXXXX is no longer one of Jehovah's Witnesses"
No explanation is given, the sheep proceed to shun them...Reminds you of "Animal Farm", doesn't it?
Animal Farm indeed.
"some animals are more equal than others"
The actual announcement does not give indication of what took place in the Judicial Committee.
The "buzz" and gossip between congregation members, along with a Local Needs part or two will reveal the details of the "gross" sin that led to the announcement.
It NEVER remains a secret.
You can see for yourself....
Thanks everyone. A family member had a letter read last night about him at the KH. We were just wondering if you could tell which one it was(DA or DF) by the announcement that was read.
Local Needs does reveal clues as to why someone was reproved or why one is no longer a jw. A Week after my DA letter they had a local needs on apostasy :)