Did Chuck Russell predict Global Warming ?????

by wobble 8 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • wobble

    At the end of the wikipedia article on C.T Russell it mentions that he said the earths temperature would rise, ice sheets would melt etc. and quotes the Zions watchtower articles that put forth this theory.

    On this forum it is often contended that the WT never got a single prediction right, but it rather looks as though old Chazzer got one thing right amongst all his other looney stuff that was 100% wrong.

    Or does it mean, going on his record, that global warming will not happen coz Charlie Russell said it would ?



  • glenster

    See "Who is this Russell that the winds and the seas don't obey him?" at a
    listing for 1913 on the page at either of the next links.

  • blondie

    1. ^'Zion's Watch Tower' in the following issues: September 1883 page 8; September 1886 page 1; August 1896 page 189; May 1903 page 131; January 1913 page 11

    September 1883, page 8

    Ques. Please let us know your opinion of the very distinct physical features of the present day, such as cyclones, sun spots, etc. I know your position concerning political and religious changes as fulfilling the scriptural statements of the shaking of the heavens, earthquakes, etc., but not concerning these physical phenomena?

    Ans. We understand that great physical as well as political and religious revolutions are now in progress. Just what these are, may not be very clearly seen, but these are as certain to bring a blessing to earth as the others, though, like them, the change may be attended with distress and temporary confusion.

    It seems certain that to make the earth into a paradise like Eden, such as the prophecies picture, and a fit place for the restored race, some great changes of climate, etc., must occur. Looking back, we find that some important changes of climate, etc., took place at the time of the Deluge; a change which at once affected the longevity of humanity, for before that life averaged 500 to 1,000 years, but immediately afterward it was shortened. (See ` Gen. 6:3 `; `9:29`; `11:32`.) Furthermore, we learn that until the flood, there had been no rain on the earth, it being watered by a mist instead. (` Gen. 2:5 , 6 `.) These changes occurred at the end of the first world or dispensation--at the beginning of "The present evil world," or dispensation--and we think that a proper time to expect anotherchange to a better condition would be at the close of the present evil dispensation, at the threshold of "The world [dispensation] to come," wherein dwelleth righteousness. That these changes will be sudden we do not believe, but think that the all-wise Director of the work has so planned that physical and higher changes run parallel and keep pace with each other.

    As we find the forty years, from 1874 to 1914, A.D., prophetically marked out as the time for the change of earth's administration, it would seem not unreasonable to suppose that the proper physical changes might occur during the same period. "Not that we expect all changes to be completed in the specified forty years, but that by that time the new systems and arrangements will be thoroughly introduced, which will be gradually improving, and will reach absolute perfection at the same time that mankind in general will reach absolute perfection by restitution. Thus the perfect earth and its perfect Lord (man) will both be prepared to enter upon the ceaseless ages of perfection into which shall never enter sin, death, pain or sorrow.

    So, then, to us let the physical contortions and quakings and tempests and angry waves, speak of the better condition coming, just as the social revolutions speak of a more blessed time coming to the groaning creation who shall be delivered into the liberty of sons of God. (` Rom. 8:21 `.)

    Whirlwinds or cyclones are disturbances occurring in the air or heavens-- caused by disorders therein, and which exercise a baneful influence upon the earth. These physical disorders illustrate the origin of much of the world's trouble; it will be caused by disorders in the symbolic heavens or church normal. Notice how this trouble and whirlwind are symbolically mentioned by ` Jeremiah 25:29-36 `. Notice how the chief distress is specified as coming upon the nations [governments] and upon the shepherds and principal of the flock--nominal.

    September 19886, page 1

    We may be sure that great changes must take place in the climates and soils of the earth, before it will be "prepared," as was the garden of Eden to be a fit home for perfect man. Cyclones, earthquakes, thunderbolts, and alternations of drouth and deluge, and of blizzards of cold and simoons of heat, are indications of the imperfection of earth; for the causes are doubtless natural, and very rarely indeed can we see them to be special dispensations of Providence. That God has the entire scope of his plan in all its details measured exactly, we cannot doubt, after learning the plan of the ages; hence we may know that earth must reach its perfection as the garden home of man by the close of the Millennial Age-- when man's trial being ended, it will be due time for all the willing and obedient to enjoy God's favor to the utmost, when "there shall be no more curse" either upon man or upon the earth for his sake. And if this be true, how appropriate that great physical, as well as moral changes, should occur in this harvest or transition period, "the day of preparation," that evil (catastrophy) may be ended, and that by streams breaking forth in the desert (` Isa. 35:1 , 2 , 6 `), etc., the earth, like mankind her lord, may from a new plane go on gradually, progressively, to the fullest perfection in all respects, under the glorious reign of Messiah.

    May 1903, page 131


    Polar ice, both arctic and antarctic, seems to have been steadily decreasing, and it may be that these frigid deserts shall once more blossom as the rose-- ` Isa. 35:1 `--literally.

    The ice from both poles seems to be drifting toward equatorial regions, to such an extent that, in the north, it has become a menace to commerce, and it may be a work preparatory to the "times of restitution." ARCTIC ICE A MENACE TO OCEAN STEAMSHIPS. "Philadelphia, March 18.--(Press dispatch.)-- Navigators of the North Atlantic are worried about the manner in which the arctic floe ice is drifting south, directly in the pathway of steamships. Captain Beavis of the Philadelphia Trans-Atlantic line steamship East Point, which arrived here today from London, reports passing tremendous quantities of field ice in latitude 43 deg. 43 min., and longitude 49 deg. 21 min. Owing to the obstruction Captain Beavis found it necessary to alter his vessel's course and steam 60 miles to the southward to avoid contact with it."


  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    From Wiki: "In writings as early as 1883 (and through to the end of his life) Russell repeatedly expressed the view that the world's climate would gradually but significantly change as a prelude to the re-establishment of Eden-like conditions. These changes, he said, would include the gradual melting of the Greenland ice sheet, the Arctic and Antarctic polar ice caps, and the general warming of the earth."

    So, Wobble, I could predict, "John Doe will fart and it will smell like roses". Okay, so obviously Doe will fart in the next 20 minutes or so. Does that make my prediction right? No, because it won't smell like roses, and I don't think any of us would sniff to find out. Similar with Russell's prediction. He predicted that the warm-up would re-establish Edenic conditions. From the poles to the tropics, the world would be perfectly warm and perfectly perfect everywhere. In some of those writings, he probably included the prediction that the straw-eating dinosaurs and hay-eating sabre-tooth tigers would come right back to life when they were melted free from the ice.

    Of course, if you think that hastening global warming is a good thing leading to Edenic paradise, well, I guess you can go ahead and start dressing like Adam and Steve. But in my opinion, this is another of his theories that can go in the looney column.

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    Blondie, love the quotes. The last sentence, regarding Cap'n Beavis' obstruction, is priceless all by itself:

    " Owing to the obstruction Captain Beavis found it necessary to alter his vessel's course and steam 60 miles to the southward to avoid contact with it."

  • Leolaia
  • villabolo

    Scientists have been predicting Global Warming since the 19th century. Charles Russell simply put a Creationist spin on it. I also recall other creationists making similar predictions in the early 20th century. It's not so much that they were good prognosticators but that the book of Genesis lends itself to such an interpretation even though it can be proven fallacious.

    For example, water vapor has 100 times the greenhouse potential as carbon dioxide. That means that a sizeable amount of water vapor transferred into our atmosphere would create a runaway greenhouse event with our temperatures soaring to 600 degrees fahrenheit.

    Another fallacy is the fact that creationists put the woolly mammoths and woolly rhinoceros in their water vapor induced "tropical paradise". They are happy to assign it a place in the antedeluvian world while conveniently forgetting that if ordinary elephants have trouble keeping themselves cool in the African sun then WOOLLY MAMMOTHS should be dropping dead from the tropical heat. It would be the equivalent of our taking a walk throught the desert wearing a parka.


  • processor
    this forum it is often contended that the WT never got a single prediction right

    There's another prediction from the October 15, 1919 Golden Age that has fulfilled:

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    That is a prediction from the Marconi wireless experts, not Russell or Rudderless

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