The bible is not even a well written peice of fiction. . .
by bigwilly 6 Replies latest jw friends
Not to mention, it lies. People think it is the truth, they pass laws and social standards by the Bible, and look at the mess we are in now. That book has started more wars, totalitarian societies, and intolerance than all other books combined (well, if you include the Quran, maybe it comes a close second). It also has suppressed science. It is also why we have so many stupid sex laws, and why it is classified as indecent to expose your private parts in public (yes, religion is behind all that). Religion seeks to dirtify everything we find pleasurable, and it has done a good job at doing that.
No fiction work (so long as it is taken as fiction), no matter how poorly written, has ever done all that. Thanks a lot, God--You Almighty Lowlife Scumbag!
keyser soze
and why it is classified as indecent to expose your private parts in public
Maybe everyone doesn't want to see your private parts, wizard.
Yeah, I gotta say wizard...and forgive me, for some may feel I have no right to say this...but that is one of the stupidest post you have ever made.
The link is for a video of Swedish comedian Magnus Betner. I found it really entertaining even though it's 8 min long. Definitely worth taking a peak at. As far as WTW's public nudity issues, I agree that our puritan roots in the US have led to some seriously backward thinking and ridiculous moral legislation. Don't need my boys swinging about in public view tho
keyser soze
I agree that our puritan roots in the US have led to some seriously backward thinking and ridiculous moral legislation.
Same here. Nude beaches I have no problem with. Perverts flashing in the mall parking lot, that's another story.(Yes, I just watched Observe and Report)
Took the time to watch it willie. It was very funny and oddly true.