and be any person you desired to be, who would you be, and what would you do?
If you could turn back time
by John Doe 7 Replies latest jw friends
I would be ADAM.
The first thing I would do is get a shovel and kill the damn snake causing all the problems.
Rub a Dub
I'd be myself as a 12 year old and, knowing what I know now, would avoid the pitfalls in my life and plan for a different life. Perhaps I would be a paleoanthropologist studying the evolution of man. Needless to say, I would avoid the witnesses like the plague.
Gets to be an old story with everyone wanting me to look at their car for free.
I should have been a gynecologist...
A musician, or politician
in the military, of course, I will have my head shaved off by then. I do not use any combs anymore because I shave my head off from time to time. It looks good on me. I wish I did that long time ago.
John Doe
I think I'd be Marylin Monroe and I'd spend all day in front of a mirror caressing myself.