< http://www.liu.se/irv/unima/biblio.htm#Watchtower/Jehovah's%20Witnesses
Watchtower/Jehovah's Witnesses
Chaponda, Orison J., "The Watchtower Movement in Malawi (1908-1994)", BA (Theology) dissertation, University of Malawi, 1995. CC/TRS/1995/
Chirwa, Wiseman C., "Masokwa Eliot Kenan Kamwana Chirwa: his Reli gious and Political Activities and Impact in Nkhata Bay, 1908-1956", Journal of Social Science (University of Malawi), Vol. 12 (1985), pp. 21-43. An historical overview of Kamwana's preaching and impact in the Nkhata Bay district.
Cross, Sholto, "Independent Churches and Independent State: Jehovah's Wit nesses in East and Central Africa", in E. Fashole-Luke et al. (eds.), Chris tianity in Independent Africa, London: Rex Collings, 1978, pp. 304-315.
Cross, Sholto, "The Watchtower Movement in South Central Africa (1908-1945)", PhD, University of Oxford, 1973.
Cunnison, I., "A Watch Tower Assembly in Central Africa", International Rev iew of Missions, Vol. XL (1951), pp. 456-469.
Fiedler, Klaus, "Power at the Receiving End: the Jehovah's Witnesses' Exper ience in One-Party Malawi", in Kenneth R. Ross (ed.), God, Peo ple and Power in Malawi: Democratization in Theological Perspective, Blan tyre: CLAIM, 1996, pp. 149-176, Kachere Monograph No. 3. A detailed historical account of the horrific persecutionn inflicted upon Jeho vah's Witnesses by the Banda regime and a call for amends to be made. KI
Fields, Karen E., Revival and Rebellion in Colonial Central Africa, Prince ton: Princeton University Press, 1985. 323pp. An examination of the Watch tower movement in Zambia and Malawi. DT 352.7 FIE 1985 UOM-CCL
Greschat, Hans-JÅrgen, "Kitawala: The Origin, Expansion and Religious Beliefs of the Watchtower Movement in Central Africa", ms., 1967, English translation of a University of Marburg, PhD thesis.
Greschat, Hans-JÅrgen, "Witchcraft und Kirchlicher Separatismus in Cen tral-Africa", in E. Benz (ed.), Messianische Kirchen, Sekten und Bewe gungen im heutigen Afrika, Leiden, E.J. Brill, 1965, pp. 89-104.
Hodges, T., "Jehovah's Witnesses in Central Africa", Institute of Com monwealth Studies, Minority Rights Group, Report No. 29, Oxford, 30th January, 1976.
Hooker, J.R., "Witnesses and Watchtower in the Rhodesias and Nyasa land", Journal of African History, Vol. 6 (1965), pp. 91-106. Notes that on religious grounds the Jehovah's Witnesses refused to have anything to do with colonial administrators and Europeans generally. They were kept under surveillance but not persecuted. The author predicts that the independent government may have problems with the Witnesses.
Hopkins, Joseph M., "Religious Freedom for all - except Jehovah's Wit nesses", Christianity Today, Vol. 25 (1981), pp. 46-47. A rare article, based on personal observation, of the plight of the Jehovah's Witnesses under the Banda regime.
Mnkwakwata, R., "Elliott Kenani Kamwana Masokwa Chirwa, Founder of the Watchman Healing Mission", trans. J.X.T. Muwamba, account of the history of Elliot Kamwana, written by a prominent fol lower who later seceded and founded the Anduwila Church. KI
9 Religion in General
Bone, David S., Religion in Malawi: Current Research, University of Malawi Department of Religious Studies, 1983. 26pp. A directory of scholars involved in research on religion in Malawi, giving their aca demic affiliations, specific interests and some of their publications. MAL Z 286 .R4 M3 UOM-CCL.
Chakanza, J.C. and Kenneth R. Ross, Religious Pluralism in Contempo rary Malawi, University of Malawi, Sources for the Study of Reli gion in Malawi No. 15, 1992, 56pp. Essays by Chakanza on "Good Shoppers of Religious Goods: Religion in a Multi-Faith Malawian Soci ety", and by Ross on "Religious Pluralism: A Theological Challenge for Malawi an Christians". MAL BL 2470 .M34 REL
Chamalaka, D.S., "Influence of Religion on Business", research paper, Chancellor College, Zomba, 1992, 12pp. From examination of the names given to businesses, the study concludes that religion has an influence on business in Malawi. CC/TRS/1992/8
Kalilombe, Patrick A., "Spirituality in the African Perspective", in R. Gibe l lini (ed.), Paths of African Theology, London: SCM, 1994, pp. 115-135.
Moto, Francis, "Religion in Malawian Literature", Faith and Knowledge Seminar No. 44, Chancellor College, Zomba, 1996, 16pp. A literary analysis of Josiah Phiri's Kalenga ndi Mnzache, with particular atten tion to the symbolism used to convey the superiority of Christianity to traditional ways. CC/TRS/1996/16
Mphande, David K., "A Religious Education Manual for In-Sets Trainers", ms., Malawi Institute of Education, Domasi, 1993.
Mphande, David K., "Moral Education in the Formal School System", in a Report on Consultative Stake-holders Workshop to Review the General and the Social Studies Syllabus for Primary Schools and Teacher Training Colleges, Malawi Institute of Education/USAID Through GABLE PPC. Domasi, 1996, pp. 54-72.
Mphande, David K., "Religious Education: a New Approach in Primary Education", Journal of Religious Education, Vol. 54 (1993), Johannes burg, South Africa.
Mphande, David K., Themes in Religious Education: A Handbook for Teacher Trainers, edited by J.R. Hauya, Domasi: Malawi Institute of Education.
Msiska, Augustine W.C., "The Study of Cultural History in Malawi", seminar paper, Chancellor College, Zomba, 1991, 26pp. Notes the contributions of early missionaries and settlers to cultural history and calls on Malawians to write objective history of Malawian culture from a phenomenological point of view. CC/TRS/1991/11
Msiska, Augustine W.C., "Towards a Cultural History of Malawi. The Case of Colonialism and Yao Initiation Rites 1891-1961", MA, Univer sity of Malawi, 1992, 223pp.
Olausson, Jessica, "Christianity, Islam, Malawian Traditional Religion and the Malawian Culture: Possible Implications of the New Primary School Syllabus in Religious Education in Malawi", MA, Linkîping Univer sity, 1996, 85pp. KI
Patel, Nandini, "The Hindus in Malawi", Religion in Malawi, Vol. 6 (1996), pp. 39-40. A brief outline of the history of the Hindu commu nity in Malawi, concluding with a call for greater integration.
Schoffeleers, Matthew, "Economic Change and Religious Polarization in an African Rural District", in John McCracken (ed.), Malawi - An Alter native Pattern of Development, Edinburgh: Centre of African Studies, 1985, pp. 187-242. Notes that before 1970 the people of Nsanje, both ATR adherents and Christians, lived in harmony and participated in one another's religious rites but that, since then, religious polarization has set in as people identify themselves either with Pentecostal churches or with the (neo-traditionalist) Church of Ancestors. MAL HC 935 MAL 1985
Tengatenga, James, "Singing, Dancing and Believing: Civic Education in Malawi Idiom", University of Malawi, Faith and Knowledge Seminar No. 55, 16 October 1997. The author argues that "top-down" civic edu cation is inadequate and that means by which ordinary people express themselves, such as song, dance and faith, must impact the political process. CC/TRS/1997/10
Journals held by Theological Institutions in Malawi
Baptist Theological Seminary, Lilongwe
Chancellor College, University of Malawi
Kachere Institute, University of Malawi
Kachebere Major Seminary
Likubula Bible Institute, Blantyre
St Peter's Major Seminary, Zomba
Department of Theology and Religious Studies, University of Malawi
Zomba Theological College