This would help out alot. Any takers?
Can someone just make it so that the Watchtower never existed?
by Amber Rose 6 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
~waves magic wand~
You realize of course that the Watchtower is just one of dozens if not hundreds of harmful organizations that exist.
These organizations fill a need, unfortunately. There are many, many, MANY people who want others to think for them, tell them exactly what to do, tell them that their sufferings are not their own fault, and that something better awaits them "soon".
If the Watchtower didn't exist, some other organization would have arisen to take its place.
No, it did, and still does. I left many years ago. So, now, any chance to say as the topic comes up, I express the facts and expose the Watchtower Society for what it is. Also, I enjoy being a member of the ex-JW Meetup in Phoenix. We get together tomorrow, this time at my house for a potluck, with two new members planing to come (8-10 coming). Through this site, have had a couple people, never JWs, wanting to know about JWs, and they really appreciated the info I gave.
No but, i can make it so that LOTS, millions, actually, of other cults don't exist. They were going to start world war 5. THERE! It's done! ALL those other cults that were worse than the wt, that existed before don't exist, anymore. Just check. They're gone. Now, there's only the jw, scintologist and a few others. Cool, eh? No need to worry about ww5, either.
2 Thessalonians 2:8 The Master appears and—puff!—the Anarchist is out of there. MSG
Hold on; He is on the way.
Amber Rose
Georgiegirl and Satanus - Thanks for your help!
sir82 - "The time for maturity is over!" - Oglethorpe