from here on in... a new begining

by highdose 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • highdose

    ok this is the europe divison signing off and going to bed. I guess its over to the USA now, come on you dozy yanks! Where are you?! You've missed all the excitment(!)

    anyway what i mean to say is: this is a great site, full of amazing eye opening debates that really do help JW's and ex JW's alike. Recently its become about just certain people alone. I'd love to see us all move on from this and when i wake up tomorrow and log in, ... i'd love to see pages of those great debates and infomation once again! So how about it???


  • nelly136

    europe, bedtime already??? sweetdreamzzzzzzzz lightweight

  • highdose

    darling the uk is 2 hours behind me.... enjoy the frost sweetheart;) have you got the central heating on yet? oh and don't forget the hot water botties!:) hehe just playing with ya;)

  • nelly136

    lol ya and we have antifreeze for supper.

    now if you knew me properly you'd know its too darn early in the year to feed the gas meter yet, am still in the put another two jumpers and a coat on and nooooo central heatin till the ice is on the inside of the double glazin.

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