Former Witness who was on the "Sopranos" hosts the conference call tonight!

by koolaid-man 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • koolaid-man

    Former Witness Mary Aguilar hosts the conference call tonight. Here is the information for that call.

    We at Victims Speak Out (VSO) provide a teleconference
    service for free of charge (long distance charges may apply
    in your dialing area), and allow REAL victims of crimes to
    voice themselves in the presence of Law Enforcement and
    other Government Officials. Together the "Victims" and
    Government Officials can make a real difference. We
    welcome any and all victims, as well as those in the legal
    field. So, come and join us, and express yourself. The first
    show will air on Tuesday, October 20, 2009 at 7:30pm
    (EST. Eastern Standard Time - USA). Call (712) 432-8710. When asked for pin number,
    please enter #9925

  • leavingwt
  • AudeSapere

    I don't understand the 'Sopranos' connection. What does that have to do with the conference call??

    Is one lone acting credit supposed to increase their ex-jw credibility??

    Looks like the Soprano's comment was added for simple sensationalism.


  • rebel8

    OT questions about the websites associated with these calls...

    Copy/paste from website: is under the supervision of the United States Federal Government

    Why is this stated on the website? What does that mean?

    Copy/paste of Google search results:

    Official web site of Watchtower Society, the legal organization in ...Official web site of Watchtower Society, the legal organization in use by Jehovah's Witnesses. Authoritative source about beliefs, teachings, activities. - Cached - Similar -

    The web creator typed this in when s/he was creating a blurb for search engine results. Why do you claim to be the official website of wts?

  • rebel8


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